Mars and things we should, would, could of done


The following url is a little info on Mar rx in a different way than most I've seen...

I've just realized that this Saturday is the day I set aside to go check out a new doctor (after first avoiding doing anything on the last Mer rx..then wasting time neither doing one thing or the other out of fear and ignorance) happens Mars rx begins its station at 23 taurus this Saturday. Transiting Mars is sitting angular right in the middle a natal hard aspect along with other transiting "foes" lurking at the moment. I've noticed a few screwy things for few days now tripping me up or impeding smooth sailing..(tr Mars is applying conj to natal Mer rx..culprit??.). I really can't afford to avoid an exam yet it will be interesting how I handle this transit.

Interesting though Vedic astrologers hold a rx planet as being stronger in the benefic not debilitated sense...I guess too you'd have to consider other things in a chart..I am not hip on Vedic enough yet to expound but just thought to mention it as a brighter aside.

Where will Mars retro in your chart ?.



Where 23 Taurus is in your natal what house is Taurus in your's explained in detail on the site. Mine is in the 12th house.