Medieval Scapini - Nine of Coins

Lady Iron Side


Scapini - illustrates a meandering path lined with attractive trees and flowers. A valuable ring (someone's loss, someone's gain). A rainstorm (unwelcome to the traveler, but welcome to the plants).

Coins - bear - skulls of a bull or goat, associated with temple worship, credits both gain and loss to the same source.

Flowering Path - : prudence, property, success, expansion.

Page of Swords: foresight, discretion, discernment, alert to the unknown dangers, maturity.

Woman - 9 coins - hold falcon: love of nature, material wl-being, physical pleasure

Orange, apple, and pear trees: knowledge, abundance, nourishment, plenty in all things.

falcon - 9 of coins - hand: intellect, independence, freedom.



Gold ring - lost : possible loss of a valued friendship or a treasured possession.

Person wearing raincoat and umbrella: storms, threat to safety, projects aborted, disappointment, over indulgence, difficulties.

Goats skull - coins: bad faith, deception, voided, project, swindles, theft, promises without effect, impoverished