More help with Titania's


I'm here again, but these cards have me a bit baffled.

Book : House : Dog : Garden : Woman : Tree : Tower

With the book at the beginning (something unknown) and the tower at the end (something from the past) has got me a bit confused.

but does it mean an invitation to the house of a friend from the past (but the house is unknown ) It will be a nice sociable visit, but will give plenty to thing about.

what do you make of them?


Hi Katie,

Book : House : Dog : Garden : Woman : Tree : Tower

I see an old house with a beautiful garden. Or, maybe taking a dog for a walk in a park (garden, tree).

Ah, hang on. A visit to your house from a woman from the past (with an unknown friend). A warm and social occasion.

Katie, did you do this reading about the same time that you had a visit from your friend's daughter? The one you hadn't seen for a while and she brought her friend with her?

That fits in beautifully with this reading.



Hi Purple_Scorp

Claire came to visit on Saturday and I drew those cards on Sunday.

let me see, what's happened this week. I've not been to anyone's house, I took the dog for a walk last night (in place of my son taking him because he'd been to the vets). No! I've not seen anyone this week who I haven't seen for years... but...

my horoscope keeps saying that someone (a male presumably, hopefully) will be coming back into my life, wanting a second chance, a stab at the title again! so I'll wait and see...

just remembered, they chopped down all those blossom trees on the lane this week.

I don't know if it counts, but yesterday in my Counselling class we had to recount a happy memory from our childhood days.

Thanks for your help purple_scorp