Music and it's meaning to you


Being a pro musician and knowing the power of music and it's connection to the spiritual, was wondering what music meant to people spiritually. Music is the rhythm of life and it's beauty abounds everywhere.

Blessed Be


I love music but don't listen to it enough+ i've got tons of CD's.

I think it's good!! It's even better when you go to a gig and feel everything base etc.

I wil make some efforts to listen to my uplifting dance music as I could do with upliftment in my life.

Do you play any intruments?? I used to play the recorder at school, but my brother used to play sooooo many didiferent intruments and now does nothing with his talents.....what a waste.



yeah, I have played the guitar professionally in bands for over 12 years now, as well as taught the guitar to hundreds of students. I have played in every band possible, jazz to heavy metal, but my favorite still remains, hard rock, due to the darker and more subconscious element as well as the rebelliousness. To me spirit is most inportant in music. As soon as music becomes a comodity it looses it's spirit and wonderous element. Todays. pop music is shallow and disposable. which is sad as it reflects the state of society today. I've played both originals (which I write) to covers and currently my new band do 70' - current covers. My music has always been a spiritual thing to me, it has been my constant conmpanion all my life and my trusting friend. it has help me coped and overcome the trauma of two divorces (a typical musician cliche') and got me thru a painful childhood, since I've always seen the world differently to other people. My music has taken me and lead me to areas of life that without it, i would have never gone. I have seen the power and beauty, that music can bring to people's live as well as the way it speaks to their inner selves. I have vivid and full memories of things in the past when i hear a song that I can remember hearing for the first time years ago...Without music I would have not survived this long. It's my gift from the God's, I live, breathe and eat music and it's so much tied into my pysche, both spiriutal and physicial.


It depends what type of music. Some music I listen to merely cuz I like it, but it has no specific meaning for me... Then there's a band called Caliche, a Peruvian band, who I think are great... They play beuatiful music, with stories in it (El Condor Pasa is the one most people will recognise... It tells the story of the flight of the Condor...) Anyway, they play this one song called Katchapya, and to me it represents the spiritual journey of life, and the Global Village.... What goes on in my head when I listen to that song, with head phones on, full blast, is amazing... I see so many things, all really vivid, but mostly is this strange vision...

There's me, walking across a vast desert on my own, to the fairly slow beat (Which speeds up to a very frantic pace towards the end of the song). Then, there's another person, usually my boyfriend, or particular friends who I am spiritually attached to in some way. Then, as the music gets faster, there's others walking behind us, and finally, its night time, there's this huge HUGE group of people dancing away in the ever-moving procession, so happy, all people of every religion, race, culture... All with each other,totally free and comfortale with each other and who they are... Its so inspiring! And there I am in the front of it, with my loved ones, enjoying it all....

Well, that's what I see.



Music is music. It all has soul. You may not get it now but it does. Why do you think beer and polka go hand in hand? It takes beers to get that Oom Paa grove thing happening.

All music comes out of someone's experience. Some of it is beautiful, some is boring, some you're not going to understand. That doesn't mean it hasn't got soul.

O.K., I forgot Wagner. That's Crap. That doesn't have soul but that the exception. Still you have to admire the steel bras and horned helmets.


I agree with you Musicman... most of today's "pop" music sucks -- it's all about the money. But, that aside, I love music -- all kinds. It's funny, cause I am not one to follow a music scene or track down unique bands -- music just sort of comes to me, through different people....

and music definitely speaks to me at a higer level.... in which I hear messages that speak to my soul...

the best is live music, when the crowd and the band are in it together -- in this wonderful, powerful, enrapture of sound....
:) mmmmmmmlove it!