My Lenormand Meanings


I'm working hard to change my ways. I've decided to go the totally non-Traditional route, trusting what first comes into my mind, and see where it takes me.

My new meanings for the Petit Lenormand:

Rider - getting taken for a ride
Clover - the yard around one's house
Ship - nausea
House - a house
Tree - the outdoors (versus indoors)
Clouds - the weather
Snake - phobias and fears
Coffin - "the end"
Bouquet - allegeries
Scythe - gathering things (hunter-gatherers)
Whip - really fast (the whip is the only man-made object before 1947 that could break the sound barrier).
Birds - singing
Child - annoyance; crying
Fox - beautiful
Bear - terrifying
Stars - electric lights, electricity
Stork - predator
Dog - a guard; therefore, a prison
Tower - confusion (Tower of Babel)
Park - a parking lot; shopping center
Mountain - hiking; exercise
Ways - all potentials and possibilities
Mice - helpers
Heart - the color red; an angry heart
Ring - crime; criminals (crime ring)
Book - religion (people of the book)
Letter - rejection
Man - a man
Woman - a woman
Lilies - a funeral
Sun - burns; radiation; 1 day
Moon - dreams; 1 night
Key - a safe
Fish - food
Anchor - stuck
Cross - the end goal

I will, of course, change any or all of these meanings whenever I wish.


Because of your expertise Mary i believe your accuracy will only be slightly reduced. Maybe down to 80%. Your subconscious knowledge will work for you. Please report back & offer us your results.

ana luisa

I liked those meanings. They do look personal and unique. I almost feel tempted to add mine :D


I was teaching Lenormand this weekend. One of the students was very adept with associative meanings but totally missed the implications of the Lenormand meanings. It reminded me that Lenormand works great as oracle cards for some people. However, they don't have a counter-check system and can get caught in their 'story' without being aware of other options. I read this way quite easily myself. However, I don't think one gets any benefit by using Lenormand cards over a different set of oracle cards. AND, one loses all the benefit of the Lenormand system. Once you know the Lenormand system, you may choose to bring in more associative ways of reading - but it's preferable when it is a choice you are making. Plus, you can always use the Lenormand system to check if you've overlooked anything obvious.

After my weekend of teaching I don't think I'm going to be emphasizing the free-form, instinctive, associative style of reading Lenormand in the discussions as I had planned. I just don't have the heart to do that no matter how effortless it can be.


Because of your expertise Mary i believe your accuracy will only be slightly reduced. Maybe down to 80%. Your subconscious knowledge will work for you. Please report back & offer us your results.
Frelkins - what do you mean, only 80%! You know my subconscious is better than that!