My tarot readings are hijacked by one individual, please help for cleansing.


Please help, I am no longer able to read anyone else but one person. Even though I concentrate on somebody else or my self, yet this person ( actually has passed away) override my readings. How can I tell him to leave? Is there any way to cleanse? Or should I give up readings?


How does this occur? Was this person close?


Please help

When never I try to read, and place a spread, my question is completely overridden. It's about him, and the spread looks like some sorts of nightmarish memories or regrets. I guess I was sort of close to him but my daughter was the one who was very close to him.


I'm a bit confused as to why you think each reading is about him...
If you focus on your question the cards should answer that question... It sounds to me as if this person is on your mind a lot and that's why you're seeing him in the cards..

In my experience the readings come from you, the reader but a reader can very easily project his or her own fears onto them so the only way that your readings could be 'hijacked' is if you're subconsciously seeing this person in your readings..

You could try cleansing your cards with sage or by leaving them on the windowsill with the light of the full moon shining on them if you think that will help but I think this isn't really the cards, they're just tools, it's more likely to be coming from you..


Thank you Sulis

I will try a moonlight methods, I have tried sage many times but didn't work. It got worse. To give some closure, we met medium, visited his cemetery...every time we tried to move on, we get pulled back, like his ex lover contacts my daughter. Thank you so much for your advice.


Have you tried trying to ask him to stop?

I don't mean anything creepy. You could reassure him that you want the best for him, and explain that this is disrupting your life and activities too much. Be tactful. Maybe ask if he needs help. It may be that he is scared of being forgotten or something like that.

Be very careful of course - protect yourself (and if you don't know about that, find out about that before going anywhere near what I'm talking about!). Be ready to step away as soon as you feel out of your depth.

I think this can happen a bit like drivers on the road tailgating - many people don't realise they're bothering someone! but as soon as they do realise, they stop because that isn't what they intended.

Secondly: have you asked your daughter if she's finding the same thing?


Thank you MandMaud

Yes I have asked many time that he needs to move on to "the light". The spread always emphasizes the jealousy of his ex girls ( he had three girls chasing after him). 6 month ago, I told my daughter to cut him off ( I read those girls will be bad news, they won't let him go anyway). Of course my girl wants to move on, and want to see the whole thing in the better light. She got a mysterious cigarette burn on her shoulder other day out of nowhere...we are out of wits.