Mystic Faerie ~the Empress~


The Empress is a beautiful Faerie Queen who sits on a poppy flower. She looks young and also quite ageless. Like she could have been in the forests for many hundreds of years already.

She is beautiful, sensuous and even sexy, but her beauty is not on display for anyone. Her beauty is very natural. It´s like the beauty of a cat who knows she is beautiful and is pleased if someone notices it. But she feels good about her looks no matter if someone admires her or not.

The Poppy is a flower of summer, celebration, joy, sleep, visions, dreams, and even death (opium is from a poppy..)
This Fae is a Goddess who handles poppy magic and who also cradles life, death and rebirth in her arms in the form of wheat. The way she looks at the wheat (and through that the life and death that it represents) is extremely gentle and loving. Her look could move mountains and make icebergs bubble!

She is pregnant, and she knows all about mothering, nurturing, growth, change and the eternal cycles of life. She reminds me of something that Oscar Wilde said: To grow is to change, and to have changed often is to have grown much. I feel that this Fae encourages us to grow, to change, to become older, to die, even..

She has an interesting bracelet. I wonder what the stone is? Hematite? Amber? Amethyst? What do you think?

The flowers in her hair and around her make me think of Forget-me-nots and, indeed, this Faerie should neither be forgotten nor neglected. Neglecting her and the Beauty and Compassion she stands for would make our lives miserable.


I also think she looks very apprroachable, like you could just walk up and hug her.


My favorite card in this deck :)

She looks very lovely, gentle and accepting. She also looks very peaceful.

I like the way this card seems to be alive. There is so much going on (even though it looks like nothing at a first glance). The colors really jump out to me:purple, red, yellow, white, green, blue!

Purple really suits her, making her look regal and the Forget-me-not flowers adorn her head like a crown. She is very composed and sit in a comfortable pose on a poppy, which is like her throne.
hemera said:
The Poppy is a flower of summer, celebration, joy, sleep, visions, dreams, and even death (opium is from a poppy..)
This Fae is a Goddess who handles poppy magic and who also cradles life, death and rebirth in her arms in the form of wheat. The way she looks at the wheat (and through that the life and death that it represents) is extremely gentle and loving.
I though this was fantastic! To make her sit on a poppy which can represent death, and of course as we know she is pregnant and knows all about birth love and affection.

And i do feel like she wants us to accept the life as it is because every moment of it can be wonderful!

Rhiamon said:
I also think she looks very approachable, like you could just walk up and hug her.

Yes! I though the exact the same thing too :heart:


This is another card that I especially like. I think of my sons when I look at this one. Of how I took care of them but had to let them go in stages throughout their lives but also how connected we still are.
To me she is the earth mother. She takes care of everyone and every thing - from flowers to animals. She finds beauty in every living thing, from the plain wheat in her hands to the beautiful flowers around her. She nurtures them but lets them grow to be themselves. She is pregnant because it is the beginning of life that she tends.
I think she encourages us to nurture whatever it is we do in life, from our children, marriage, work, projects. We also have to let them be themselves and not impose too much of ourself into them. Like a sculptor lets the wood, stone, what ever s/he is using speak to them and guide them.
I get very emotional when studying this card.
