Need help please, really stuck - reading 2


This reading was split from this thread:


Wow thanks Amanda.

I just pulled two more "does he have honourable intentions"

And I got The Lovers and 2 of Wands rx.

2 of wands rx suggests I need to have patience? And the lovers, well...

He gave me a music album downloaded today. He asked about it at lunch and I said that my internet was too slow, so he gave it to me a surprise. I figured that he did it to get me to like him, to get with me. But does that now mean he was actually being sweet or?


Does he have honorable intentions?

Lovers + 2 of Wands rx.

These cards are about him, not you needing to have more patience. I'm a little confused on why you would ask this though when you've already asked what his intentions were and got an answer...

Yes, though. He had honorable intentions. The 2 is reversed here to represent how you made the choice to turn him down, and I believe from the Lovers card and the other cards you drew on his intentions in the other thread that he's respecting that.


Thanks so much for the reply. I didn't understand the cards, so that's why the meaning was all messed up for me.


Does he have honourable intentions?

2/Wands rx

Both these cards are about choices.

So he chooses to hang around you, because he likes something about you (Lovers).

But he sees that there's two options. Either to hang around with you (giving you hope of a relationship), or the choice of not seeing you at all (he likes the friendship). For both choices he sees something not working out quite right (2/Wands rx).

Those are just my thoughts about the cards that I see. Hope it helped!


Does he have honourable intentions?

2/Wands rx

Both these cards are about choices.

So he chooses to hang around you, because he likes something about you (Lovers).

But he sees that there's two options. Either to hang around with you (giving you hope of a relationship), or the choice of not seeing you at all (he likes the friendship). For both choices he sees something not working out quite right (2/Wands rx).

Those are just my thoughts about the cards that I see. Hope it helped!

Wow, this makes perfect sense. Thanks so much!!

See the thing is, I'm in a relationship, and we just met. But yeah, there's a spark of some kind. He's super generous and kind of "caring" ? Like always asking me if I'm okay and worrying about me. Isn't that weird for someone you just met? But also, he's definitely not looking for a relationship. Always says he's glad he's single etc, came out of a really tough long term relationship and think he's still quite hurt by it all.

Difficult situation.


This pair makes me feel that he needs to consciously choose (Lovers) not to act on the passionate spark he feels toward you (2 Wands, rx.) Therefore, it further says (to me) that he is in the process of weighing whether or not to pursue you physically or passionately. And that further suggests (to me) that he may not even know what his intentions toward you are just yet, and he may be waiting for some signals from you as to which way to go with this situation.


This pair makes me feel that he needs to consciously choose (Lovers) not to act on the passionate spark he feels toward you (2 Wands, rx.) Therefore, it further says (to me) that he is in the process of weighing whether or not to pursue you physically or passionately. And that further suggests (to me) that he may not even know what his intentions toward you are just yet, and he may be waiting for some signals from you as to which way to go with this situation.

Thanks for this, that is quite revealing. It would make sense that he doesn't know what his intentions are towards me, as we did just meet like a month ago. I am in a long term relationship and I'm not the cheating kind, but there is definitely something "there".

I'm not sure whether I'm at the end of my current relationship, or if the way I am feeling at home (generally unsatisfied - emotionally and physically and hemmed in) is just a bump in the road on the way to happier times. But I find myself looking around for someone who makes me feel better...

I guess time will tell!