Need some feedback


The Devil has popped up in my daily 3 card reading yesterday and today. Today's 3 card was 6 pentacles, Devil, King of Pentacles
and yesterday I got Devil, 10 Cups, 6 Swords.

I am at a loss on how to interpret these. Any feed back would be appreciated. I used the Universal Waite Deck.



The Devil is a lot about our own internal hangups, what range we're afraid of stepping outside of, and what limits we don't want to cross because it takes us outside our comfort level. Do the readings make sense when you apply these to them?


I don't know if this is a general reading or you ask sertain questions.

It coul depend on your inviorment or lifestile.
If a card repeats itself it usually has an important thing to say to you.
The Devil seems to be moving position in your readings.
Maybe your working on it or it will pass you by.

HudsonGray has given you some possebileties.
It could alsow be an addiction, needing to be more selfcentered, sexuel drives, feeling traped or used I don't know.

I hope this helps a bit.



That does help, thank you.