*New Deck* The Fountain Tarot Interview


New deck and it's about as lovely as I'd hoped. Did an intro spread to get a good understanding of how this likes to read and I can see that it'll likely fill in some gaps that have yet to be filled in my collection.


1. What kind of deck are you? - Eight of Cups - this is a deck that's all about intuition and feelings. It feels honestly as if it'll be required for me to leave logic and reason behind in order to fully connect with it.

2. What is your personality type? - Page of Coins - Playful, Practical and eager to share with anyone willing to ask!

3. What is your strongest personality trait/s? - Six of Cups - it's able to give a strong reflection of things as they were and things as they are. I don't know if it's objective, however. The presence of so much blue in the cards drawn feels like it's definitely more focused on the FEELINGS that are present. It's also a card that seems very focused on relational matters and helping them connect.

4. What is your weakest personality trait/s? - Five of Cups - Because it has such an emotional priority, it may not be good at picking up the positive aspects to situations if someone sees a matter to already be a loss.

5. What are our common personality traits? - Temperance - Intuitive, able to easily access information and our willingness to be open to receive them. Very "go with the flow" in terms of reading.

6. What are our differences in personality traits? ( look for possible personality clash) - Seven of Swords - Ha, I'm tactical and a planner, looking for solutions to situations even if they're not ideal while this deck would rather... Not.

7. What personality traits do you work best with? - Two of Swords - This feels like just being able to turn your brain off and being open and willing to turn your heart on.

Card 8: What personality traits do you avoid? - Judgement - this feels literal - overly judgemental perspectives and minds

Card 9: What is the potential outcome of our personalities being compatible? - Strength - the only warm card drawn! It seems like this will be a card relationship that'll help me with developing compassion and understanding, honing that side of more more clearly and openly!

Review: all of my decks have clear personalities that seem to perfectly fall in line with different Zodiac signs. The thing I've been lacking, however, has been more water oriented decks. I have one that's very Pisces (Prisma Visions) but aside from that, I've had a hard time finding one that seemed to connect very well for me which is where this one seems to come in.

This deck is very very Cancer which connects pretty perfectly with my moon. I can tell already that it's going to make me turn off my factual focused mind (ha, Virgo!) And tune solely into my intuition and emotions which, admittedly, from time to time can be difficult but it seems like this deck is almost Therapeutic in how it wants to be handled. Six of Cups seems to really echo that - it wants to be used as a mirror of reflection, putting more of an emphasis on, well, Heart of the matter more than anything else.

Definitely looking forward to working with this one!


Soooo cool! I need to do this with my decks. I'm an empath so it's hard to be logical with them. I feel it or not. So I have to try this and see what pops up from my decks