

i have been seeing this guy for about a month and just did the 'do we have a romantic future' ( a 12 card) tarot spread and in the obstacles poisition i got the nine of cups, clarified by page wands. ( sometimes i have got the empress in this position if that helps). the nine of cups with the page of wands make me wonder if it is saying he is a player and that is an obstacle to him committing to me, but he really doesnt seem the player type ( i am aware that he could be a liar/acting) but he has only ever had sex once before ages ago for a 40 year old man..doesnt seem the typical player type and he wont sleep with me yet as he is worried/nervous..so i was wondering could it be saying that his inexperience (page of wands) of sex (9 of cups) is the problem here ,not that he is a player. also with the nine of cups, link to masturbation, but as it is alone, again not very player like (as the figure on nine of cups is alone). The only thing that makes me wonder if could be linked to being a player is the empress, but then again that could be that he isn't very expressive wiht his emotions, very slow to fall in love where as i am the complete opposite and that could be getting in the way.
Do people on here think it is more player or more inexperienced sexually causing him to worry and become an obstacle to us progressing in relationship or could it be something else?
Thanks for any help!


i have been seeing this guy for about a month and just did the 'do we have a romantic future' ( a 12 card) tarot spread and in the obstacles poisition i got the nine of cups, clarified by page wands. ( sometimes i have got the empress in this position if that helps). the nine of cups with the page of wands make me wonder if it is saying he is a player and that is an obstacle to him committing to me, but he really doesnt seem the player type ( i am aware that he could be a liar/acting) but he has only ever had sex once before ages ago for a 40 year old man..doesnt seem the typical player type and he wont sleep with me yet as he is worried/nervous..so i was wondering could it be saying that his inexperience (page of wands) of sex (9 of cups) is the problem here ,not that he is a player. also with the nine of cups, link to masturbation, but as it is alone, again not very player like (as the figure on nine of cups is alone). The only thing that makes me wonder if could be linked to being a player is the empress, but then again that could be that he isn't very expressive wiht his emotions, very slow to fall in love where as i am the complete opposite and that could be getting in the way.
Do people on here think it is more player or more inexperienced sexually causing him to worry and become an obstacle to us progressing in relationship or could it be something else?
Thanks for any help!

As obstacle i think 9 of cups speaks of infatuation.. Someone who is self content with what he has but wont make a move to fulfill his life to the next level. This is a someone who has a veeery good opinion about himself and he might actually refuse others because he has so many demands and expectations from a partner. People like 9 of cups stay single all their life because they never find someone who can achieve their status and reach their level.
I think he is immature.. he thinks that everything that has wings can be eaten. And i believe that men in this cathegory can become real dramatic.. like if u dont give him enough attention u might screw it with him from the very beginning. A page of wands can't settle ... he needs time.. he has too much energy.. And speaking about sexual experience..i see the page of wands doing some stuff on his own..if u understand..
So...as a general opinion.. this men is happy only by himself.. him and a mirror if it's possible.


I wouldn't think he is a player with that card combination. I'd be more concerned along those lines if we saw the Knight Of Wands or possibly King Of Wands there.

Page of Wands for me is about idea's that haven't been thought through properly, impulse desires and also under-developed restraint. It's very child-like. That combined with the nine of cups says to me that he might have very naive idea's about happiness or fulfillment in relationships and that could be a serious cause of conflict in the future. He may not have the capacity to understand adult needs within the context of partnership.


Thank you all for your replies. I'm glad that no one seems to think he is a player!
Sword of truth:
Yeah I can definitely see that being true, that he won't understand adult needs and there is alot of immaturity here, especially around sex.
Yeh I thought that with the knight of wands being more player like, defiantly be more worried if seen knight instead, but have also heard that bout the page but I personally thought it was more inexperience/child like then player, just reading people say page is a player made me doubt myself lol.

Yeah he definitely won't make the move to the next level! Can totally agree with that interpretation.
Although I wouldn't agree with him having a good image of himself (he is really self conscious n suffers with a nicety bout bein good enough for others..although this could be an act,he could know that if he says he looks awful people r gona say aw u dont, so you could be right). But agree with the rest of the sentence bout having so many demands n unrealistic expectations..cus he, unless in work, does demand alot of time from u, constantly texting n wanting to meet up.
Yeah the idea of a page of wands doing stuff on his own, definitely is true, he's told me that he does stuff like that cus he can't get anyone else to do it for him.
Tbh some of the 9 of cups stuff seems to fit me more in some parts as well, I do have stupidly high n probs unrealistic expectations sometimes in relationships so maybe it s also me as an obstacle,mot just him lol.

Thank you both for your replies!


The 9 of Cups clarified by the Page of Wands as an obstacle: the nine for me is more of someone who welcomes all to the table, treats all in the same manner. They are emotionally satisfied, clarified by the Page of Wands, is that they have an immaturity about this, not knowing the next level, or how to get there. The obstacle is that this person struggles with letting people get to close.


i have been seeing this guy for about a month and just did the 'do we have a romantic future' ( a 12 card) tarot spread and in the obstacles poisition i got the nine of cups, clarified by page wands. ( sometimes i have got the empress in this position if that helps). the nine of cups with the page of wands make me wonder if it is saying he is a player and that is an obstacle to him committing to me, but he really doesnt seem the player type ( i am aware that he could be a liar/acting) but he has only ever had sex once before ages ago for a 40 year old man..doesnt seem the typical player type and he wont sleep with me yet as he is worried/nervous..so i was wondering could it be saying that his inexperience (page of wands) of sex (9 of cups) is the problem here ,not that he is a player. also with the nine of cups, link to masturbation, but as it is alone, again not very player like (as the figure on nine of cups is alone). The only thing that makes me wonder if could be linked to being a player is the empress, but then again that could be that he isn't very expressive wiht his emotions, very slow to fall in love where as i am the complete opposite and that could be getting in the way.
Do people on here think it is more player or more inexperienced sexually causing him to worry and become an obstacle to us progressing in relationship or could it be something else?
Thanks for any help!

For me, and the cards would come up with your meanings not mine of course since you did the reading...but for me it would means he is more indecisive and unable to decide what he wants than a player.

The 9 of Cups says he that he will want/need some alone time to come to terms with or his feelings or time to try to understand them. The Page of Wands says he will want to create something that he has no idea how to, or given the last card most likely that he will have no idea what he feels or what he wants to create. He will need some alone time to try to make sense of it all. A lot of confusion on his part, for whatever reason. That is what it would say to me.
