Oracle of the Mayans by Bonewitz


Hello - although I've always been into the Tarot almost exclusively, I've had a "problem" because there are very few decks that stronlgly relate to a specific "religion" that I've also been interested in for a long time - that of the Mayans.
I've seen a Mayan Oracle by some "professor" called Bonewitz, and it looks very good ... but I haven't been able to get some sort of review by anyone who's got it and has worked with it. Anyone out there know of something ??


i don't know anything about it but i would love to see some cards!!!


There's a review of a Mayan Oracle on Wicce, but this one is not by Bonewitz.
I don't know anything about Mayan culture myself, but I do think the artwork is quite good!


I'm afraid I haven't got any card-scans, but if you see the one I'm talking about ... you'll recognize it: it has three-dimensional embossed cards (not like holographic images, but actual depth as if stamped into the cards) and the color of the cards reflect the image of a carved reliëf.


i have this deck and i've never ever ever ever ever used it.

knowing very little, but some, about the mayan readings, i don't see how pulling a card would work, since it's all about when you were born etc.

it would be like having a deck with the astrological signs and pulling one a day...........although, that actually makes some sense to me as i write this.

so ignore me. heehee

perhaps i should pull them out of their box.



Bonewitz's Mayan Oracle

Hi Sullanciri2002,

I just recently got the Mayan Oracle at Barnes and Noble for a steal... just $7 bucks instead of $25. I really like the cards except they are a bit big for my hands and the cardstock is TOO thin. The artwork is done very well and the artist tries to make the carvings look as close to the orginals as possible but says he made some changes for the benefit of modern users (I think he means some symbols were altered slightly because our culture sees things so differently than the Mayans did).

Being very interested in Native American cultures (and having read many books on Native American culture) has probably made it easier for me to relate to this deck. I did a new deck spread and found that the meanings in the book and the background information on the Mayan's point of view made the cards very easy for me to understand.

I however don't know whether I like the spreads in the book or the auxilury meanings given to each card based on where it lands in the book spreads. I find it to be too predefined and constricting, I'd rather rely on intuition. I think the deck will work well for regular readings, especially if the reader/querent is interested in Native Amercian culture and can look at the cards from the point of view of the Mayans.

I didn't find astrology or the Mayan calendar to be a problem. I'm not sure what Jade is refering using the cards in relation to DOB. I skimmed again and couldn't see it...

I do admire the use of the cardinal directions during the reading... The book suggests the querent face

East - if the question/reading relates to a new beginning or if they are seeking to enliven and enrich their lives.
West - a question about finishing/ending something
North - a specific or thorny/difficult question
South - a general reading.

It also suggests that the reader should always face the east because the reader is bringing something to enhance/enliven the querent's life.

If you want more information about the deck feel free to PM me.


I think it is a very interesting Oracle deck if you are looking to learn something about ancient Mayan beliefs. The book gives very easy to understand details on the Mayans deities, calendars, etc.

I also agree with Lightlike that the information on the Cardinal directions is useful. The main spread is completely new and based on these cardinal directions, and I found that very interesting, if only for use in creating my own spreads. It does get to be rather a large spread, though, if you use the secondary and tertiary levels that the author prescribes.

One drawback is that the coloring on the cards is exactly the same for each card. You can see a picture of a few of the cards at Isis Books.

I hope this helps!

