Pages as Messages


I would just like to review the meanings of pages as bringers of messages, and I'd love to find out which pages are most likely, upright or reversed, to bring news, and what type of me, the page that most of all means message or news, is the page of pentacles-bad or unpleasant news when reversed....I've read somewhere that the news it brings are mostly work or material matters related, but I have found that it brings all sorts of news, really...
The page of wands also brings news, whereas the page of swords to me announces more the arrival of bickering and fighting. Some say the page of cups brings romantic messages such as invitations on a date or " love letters", but personally I have never seen it that way, in my experience as a reader..
What is your experience of pages as messages...?


personally, i use the aces to represent messages or news. Pages have never worked as messages to me; they, like the other court cards, have a gazillion other meanings, so i try to reduce the amount of meanings each court card traditionally carries.

i use aces because they already represent something "new" or beginning in regard to their suit. It's not that much of a stretch, for me anyways, to say they also bring "news" lol.


personally, i use the aces to represent messages or news. Pages have never worked as messages to me; they, like the other court cards, have a gazillion other meanings, so i try to reduce the amount of meanings each court card traditionally carries.

i use aces because they already represent something "new" or beginning in regard to their suit. It's not that much of a stretch, for me anyways, to say they also bring "news" lol.

Yes, I also use aces for messages, those are the primary message cards for me...and yes, pages can be confusing because they have many different meanings, aside from messages or news...but sometimes I also get them with that meaning, esp the page of pents...


What types of messages for the Aces have you all experienced?


For me the Knight of Cups can mean incoming messages that contain something "emotional". There was a situation in the Summer when he appeared as a messenger and the cup as the message itself. I was the Page of Cups - the recipient. It was something surprising (the fish in the cup.) :)