Palmistry study group : Hand shapes


wow! i am very impressed alisa :) thank you so much for writing this!

with the basic 4 hand shapes of fire, water, earth and air, would it be correct to assume the same qualities one might find in the correlating astrological signs or tarot cards (like wands/fire, cups/water etc.)?


silverting said:
hiz......what is it about the psychic hand....long palm...fingers..naibeds....what is considered long and short in palm reading???? and what meaning does it have?? the person is psychic???????

For visual help, I would suggest finding a copy of either Cheiro's "Palmistry : the language of the hand" or another good palmistry reference book.

The inherent challenge of discussing such a highly visual subject like palmistry in a textual format is that we will be using a lot of descriptives ("longer, shorter, rounded") without anything pictoral to back them up. If you're going nuts trying to figure out what my descriptives mean, I defnitely suggest a good book. The picture will be worth a thousand of my words trying to describe it.

And, yes, the interpretation of the "psychic" hand shape is that they are likely an extremely gifted "natural" psychic, or have an abundent interest in all things metaphysical (which may be evidenced by a lifelong study or interest in the occult).

In my experience, a true "psychic" hand is a rare find. I've seen one or two in the couple hundred of palms I've read thus far in life.

There are other marks of psychic inclinations or natural intuition on the palm besides the hand shape, so don't despair if you don't recognize that shape of hand, but know yourself to be a good psychic. I'm hoping if the interest pans out, we may yet get to those more obscure aspects of palmistry.

I consider myself a good psychic and I have an Air hand, for example ;).


zorya said:
wow! i am very impressed alisa :) thank you so much for writing this!

with the basic 4 hand shapes of fire, water, earth and air, would it be correct to assume the same qualities one might find in the correlating astrological signs or tarot cards (like wands/fire, cups/water etc.)?

In my opinion, yes absolutely! I see them as speaking all the same language, that of "energy," so to me using the same elemantal qualities in palm reading is a valid way of finding out not only what a person's palm looks like, but what it feels like.

I believe energy is energy, and that we just find names and categories (like the elements) to help us begin to quanitfy what it feels like inside us, or how it acts/reacts (fire-energy, air-energy).

So, the same energy you feel coming from fire-suited cards would likely feel similar to you when reading a fire handed person. And it would likely come across with the same qualities you associate to the fire suit.


Another word on Air hands :

Air handed people are usually the ones who move very "fast" through life. Air allows little to no resistance. They think fast, they walk fast -- they're the ones whom everyone is saying, "Slow down already!" to when walking along shopping or what have you.

Air handed people will laugh every single time I tell them that, and I know because I'm one too. ;)

Dark Eyes

Hi all,
I thought of a situation where those less experienced in hand reading may be able to have a bit of fun trying to pick out what type of hands their friends have, before actually looking at their hands.
Imagine a party situation.....

The person at the party sitting down talking over his/her friends personal problems with them would more than likely be a water hand. You will find them deep in emotional conversation with lots of hugging and gentle looks, also maybe some tears here and there. They are the receptive type who experience life through their emotions and feelings. They are the empathetic and soft spoken ones, also prone to some moodiness or depression.
The person deep in intellectual conversation, swapping ideas with another, usually removed from the rest of the party in a corner or something,and totally disinterested in the party games
or joking sector of the party, you will nearly always find are the air handed person. They are sociable, but only as far as intellect goes. They love to brainstorm and debate, usually starting an intellectual discussion on a somewhat uncommon subject. They search out others like them who they believe are not boring. They would be the one who comes up with all the ideas, and these are always based on logic and reason. They become very impatient with small talk and find the average person a bit tedious. Unfortunately, the average person can sometimes find the air handed person to be the tedious boring one. They are very expressive, but not usually in an emotional way. Generally very clever people.
Then there is the passionate fire handed person. At the party, they would more than likely be the one in the centre of attention, possibly a bit tiddly and dancing on the table.They are generally independent and love adventure and excitement. These people can be intense, but bring adrenalin to any dull party. They probably wouldn't talk for long to the air handed person, but look for a more exciting person. They would be o.k. with the water person for a while, but don't like people clinging to them like a vine. Eventually, they would be looking for another fire type who they could compete with for attention. These two would work off each other for a while, but soon enough may clash , both desiring to get more attention.
The conic handed person, is probably the person holding the party. He/she would have all the decorations organised, her house ready to show anybody through for the grand tour, with every room beautifully decorated and artistically created. He/she loves beautiful things and is generally very artistic. Also idealistic impulsive and intuitive. Can tend to be unpredictable and changeable, beauty comes first.
The Psychic handed person is the painfully idealistic type who lives in their mind and dwells in cloudland. You would most likely find them on the floor at the party deep in meditation, or communicating with the spirits in some quiet corner. This person doesn't like the hustle bustle of the money seeking world and finds logic and structure unfriendly. They exist on a spiritual plane, and are highly inspirational.
Last but not least, the dear earth handed pragmatist. He probably wouldn't even go to the party, he needs to get sleep after a hard days work outdoors. If he did go, he would not stay too late, or he may find a quiet corner where he can close his eyes. He is the security seeking, down to earth and practical person at the party who can't see what all the fuss is about. He is a realist, and can't be bothered with extraneous stuff. He is loving, stable and structured. He would stand by his wifes side as long as he could at the party, but not say a great deal. He likes hugs, but not more than is practical. He is not the mushy type, but definitely the structured and stable family man. He would never let a friend or family down, they are very important to him.
I have more to add to this thread, but need to take a break.

Dark Eyes

Now I return, I would like to go a bit further, and describe some of the characteristics of those people with large hands, small hands, knobby hands, smooth hands, long fingers, short fingers, thick fingers, thin fingers,square tipped fingers, and spatulate tipped fingers. !!!!!!!!!!
Imagine a party situation again, the same party if you like.......

You would find the person with very big hands (big in relation to the whole of him) studying the intricate engraving on the plaque beside the doorbell at the front door, while his wife with small hands (small in relation to her size of her)may well be taking in the architectural structure of the building the party is being held in.She doesn't want trivials or details. In other words, small hands tend to look at things on a large scale, and in contrast, those with large hands are more concerned with intricate detail and the finer things in life eg. watchmakers, jewellers,fine arts etc.
The knobby(knotty) handed person with large protruding knuckles, we all know somebody like this, would definitely be analysing the casserole and what ingredients went into it. He would be questioning the cook about the method of preparation and cooking technique. He wants to know "every detail please" so that he can decide whether it is up to his satisfaction or not, and he will make his mind up in his own good time as to what he thinks.He wants to analyse,he is very analytical. He can have a tendency to keep his feelings to himself, he can't seem to express them.
The smooth fingered person is the creative, intuitive and impulsive, impatient person at the party. He/she would be the fast talker, organising things to look nice. They are very kind people helping everywhere but wanting everything to happen now. They would be getting very impatient with Mr slow hands (long thin handed person) as he would be stopping the conic tipped person from her progress.
This brings us to the long fingered type, he is patient and slow working. He never rushes anything. He would be the party guest who insists in setting the table,possibly measuring the distance between cuttlery so they are all the same. With his introspective nature and patience he will take his time and annoy the **** out of everybody else. Particularely the short fingered, or conic fingered, or spatulate fingered guests, who may want to sit at the table but have to wait until he is finished. He is also fond of analysis. Unfortunately, the down side for him is that if he is upset by someone, a true long fingered person can hold a grudge for a long time, due to his introspective characteristic.
Moving along, we have the short fingered person. Now these people are the exact opposite in nature to the long fingered type I just discussed. As I said, this person would be going out of their mind in frustration at the long slow fingered person. The short fingered person tends to be impatient, very quick to grasp things,very impulsive and makes their mind up quickly whether they like a person or not. They want things done yesterday, and at the party would be moving everything along at an amazing pace. After talking to someone for a while, they would tend to get bored and move on to someone else who might seem more motivating or exciting. Again, this would not last too long before they move on once again.
Nearing the finish now, we have the thick fingered person. At the party, he would be testing all the food and all the wine. This makes and keeps him happy, not much more to say. He is a sensual creature, loves good food, good wine and good lovin'.
The thin fingered person.... height of the intellectual sector ! This person is removed from the normal world, can appear peculiar and is in fact peculiar. He has a strong sense of economy. He won't speak his min in case he hurts your feelings
He has a strong respect for honesty and can be suspicious natured.He is easily offended, tedious when storytelling . At the party, he would be watching everybody and not saying much. He would appear strange to others who don't know him, but is in fact a good person.
Last but not least, we have the spatulate tipped fingered person. His fingertips look much like a frogs toes.
At the party, he would be organising the party games, and the most energetic ones at that. He cannot sit still, we alll have a friend like this. He is bored with stillness, and always ready for action. he has ants in his pants.
I forgot, the square tipped finger type...
He would be timing everything, organising the events and keeping the whole party structured, much to the annoyance of the pointed tipped person. The square tipped person arrived on time exactly, organised where they would hang their coat, not strewn on the chair or bed, and basically has his routine whatever the situation.
Wow, that is it for now. I challenge you to all watch hands carefully at the next party, but try to work out their handshape before you look at their hands. You will be amazed at how accurate you will be. As you can see, it takes all kinds to make a world, and a party. Any excess of one type without the others wouldn't work, too many square tips would mean no fun and a lot of structure. Too many pointed tips or water types, would never get the party going. Too many fire types... you would have an explosion!! so, it is up to you now, to piece together the jigsaw, because there are very few pure types. You may have a square hand with spatulate tips, or long fingers with round tips. There are many combinations as you can imagine, but by taking the characteristics of one, adding it to the other, you will be able to combine to find the type and character you are looking for.
Good luck, please post your experiences.
Dark Eyes. ;)


Conic Hands = .......the area where the finger starts for the first finger is significantly higher, rather than horizontal to, the same joint on the pinkie. (I recognize these hands easily because I have some myself ).

I have noticed that the end of most peoples pinkies are equal to the top knuckle of the ring finger. My pinkie is only to the half way point between the two knuckles (I have met only one other person like me)......the starting joint of the pinkie is below the other three finger joints (which are all even)....Now in comparing (& showing off my midget pinkie) with others, I did not see if the joint placement played into this characteristic. I wish I had the info you have provided here a long time ago. I'm just wondering how much of a 'freak of nature' (LOL) my pinkies are......
as for elements in my hands...perhaps mostly air, but there are other qualities that contradict...


Thank you for such wonderful insights Dark Eyes! I love how you apply palmistry to social situations. (I do that in real life too! Especially if there's something I'm trying to figure out about the person ;)).

A lot of the real life examples you give show how the principles behind the concepts are put into work. And, like you mentioned, it takes a whole lotta hands to make a grand event alright. We need all of them!

Again, fantastic application of the principles behind the shapes' meanings. The beauty of reading hand shapes, in addition to lines, certainly is the ability to read from a distance!

Dark Eyes

Thanks Alissa,
This is such a great thread, I am enjoying it soooo much ! :)
Yes, the social situations are perfect for picking up on peoples natures by looking at their hand and finger shapes. It does take all kinds, and as I said, not all hands are true specimens of any particular type. As you would know, sometimes they may have the characteristics of three finger types, and even a mixture of two hand types. That is when we start putting the puzzle together, adding a bit of this type, a bit of that type. One characteristic can tone down that of another, and so on. You may have square tips but on a on a conic hand. Therefor, you may have the combination hand of a lover of beauty and art who would normally be very receptive and somewhat idealistic even a little bit scatterbrain. However, with square tips, these tendencies would be reduced, you would then have a more structured and realist type person, who may not be so bothered with pretty things,and would rather organise systems and more useable things rather than just looking pretty.It is up to us as the handreaders to decide which tendency is stronger and combine them accordingly. It is most fascinating stuff !
Of course, knowing how many types there are, it is easy to see how many different combinations there can be !!
Looking forward to more Alissa, keep up the good work. I love reading all your interpretations and ideas, you are very knowledgeable.
This thread is going to be a ripper !!!
Best wishes for now
Dark Eyes. :)

Royal Cat

I've decided I have mostly an Air / Conic hand with just a little Water and Fire. :)

I have a question and I hope I'm not jumping too far ahead in the study group... Several years ago a hand reader told me I have a "Luna" fate line rather then a Saturn fate line. I never did find out what that means. Anyone able to explain?


P.S. if this will come up later as we get into specific lines then I can just wait until then. :)