Palmistry study group : Hand shapes


Royal Cat said:
I have a question and I hope I'm not jumping too far ahead in the study group... Several years ago a hand reader told me I have a "Luna" fate line rather then a Saturn fate line. I never did find out what that means. Anyone able to explain?


P.S. if this will come up later as we get into specific lines then I can just wait until then. :)

For individual and personal interpretations of one's own palm, you may wish to revive a thread such as this :

I would like to discuss the fate line, but when I read that line, I usually place it after the Head and Heart have been read. Because I find that knowing the Head and Heart information will ehlp you get a lot of background on the individual before you tackle their fate line. The fate line is intriguing, but complex and subtle. Knowing more background first, I find, is quite helpful.

So if interest pans out, I'll be discussing the Fate line on down the lines alright, so hang tight if you'd like, or post in the thread above.

As group facilitator, I would prefer to keep the threads for the "study group" topics specifically on the topic, and less on personal interpretations of one's own markings, esp. if they are not the area or line/markings of the thread's topic.

Royal Cat

Alissa said:
So if interest pans out, I'll be discussing the Fate line on down the lines alright, so hang tight if you'd like, or post in the thread above.

No problem! :) I'll hang on and wait until the time comes to discuss this line.



Hi, just wanted to add a couple of techniques I learned a long time ago, and see if it helps. Palmistry is hard, for me at least, to describe verbally, but here goes.

To start getting the elemental type, first I try to determine whether the palm is square or oblong. If the width of the palm is equal to the length, it's square. Oblong palms, like mine, are longer than wider.

After this is determined, then I determine the length of the finger in relationship to the palm, by taking the Saturn, or middle, finger, starting at the base of the lower phalange. If the finger is longer than the lenth of the palm up to that same point, I put it in the "long finger"category. My Saturn finger is significantly shorter, so it's in the "short fingered" area.

Sometimes, this is enough to get the elemental type. Earth=square palm/short fingers, fire=oblong palm/short fingers, air=square palm/long fingers, water=oblong palm/long fingers.

It's not always so easy to distingusih between, say, fire and water if the palm is exactly the length of the Saturn finger. Both types of hands usually have many lines, but in water hands, the four main ones-life, heart, head, fate-usually stand out. With deciding between earth or air, usually earth thumbs are shorter, heavier, and more inflexible than those of air. Air hands are often in the conic catergory, come to think of it.

Alissa, Dark Eyes, anyone, what's a good way to distinguish between conical hands and psychic hands? Psychic usually water, and very conical...

Dark Eyes

Hi there Ring Theory,
Usually, I can tell Psychic hands by the pointed fingers. They are usually very well groomed hands with long pointed nails as well. As a rule, they are very flexible and quite soft and watery looking.
Conic hands, are quite easy to recognise as well. I notice the very definite conic shape to the hand and usually the fingers too. The outside edge of the palm (the percussion edge) is usually bowed outward, and there is a fire quality to this person usually.
What do the rest of you palmists think??
Dark Eyes. :)


I do visually measure the size of the palm to the length of the fingers, yes indeed. I think the estimations written are fabulous!

For me, a conic hand is obivous when the line of knuckles is *clearly* at a diagonal, with the pinkie being the lowest point of the diagonal.

I find I recognize psychic hands by their extremely long thein fingers, and long nail beds. They sometimes have naturally curved nailbeds, and yes, often are wet and soft. Extremely pliable.


Alissa, Dark Eyes, what about the flatness of the palm itself? Has that been discussed - or does it have any relevance at all? I notice some folks have deeply "cupped" palms and others seem to have almost flat palms. Or maybe this is an illusion and it is really the pronouncement of the mounts?

I am quite wlling to wait for the proper thread to read more about this; I was just curious if this has any place in palmistry......

Dark Eyes

Hi Amyel,
I don't actually remember reading a lot about flat palms, but in my experience, I find those with really flat palms can be people lacking in energy. Good mounts (though not too high and hard) are a sign of energy in each corresponding area of the hand. If all are well formed, then I see the person as having lots of energy and vitality.If the palm is very flat, then I see the person as a little flat... if you know what I mean. Possibly not very exciting, or excitable. Lacking in vitality, enthusiasm, motivation and self esteem. This can of course be modified by other factors in the hand, and shouldn't be read as set in stone. Many other possibilities exist for the person if they were to have other more prominent markings and lines on the hand.
I would like to hear Alissas ideas on this, it is interesting indeed.
Best wishes D.E. :)


hmmm yes flat palms....

I *do* think I know the palm you're talking about -- usually I see these on people with dry hands most often, and, can be seen on palms with shallow, indistinct, hard to read lines. They are no terribly common, maybe about 8 percent of the hands I've ever seen I'd call "shallow" or flat.

I agree with DE, I would read a shallow palm as one having no mounts really significantly develloped *any where*, and would read it as a sign of someone who lives a "shallow, flat life." This would be especially true for someone with faint lines.

And, as an aside, I find these kinds of people are usually the ones who are constantly kind of tugging their hand back away from your grip when you're reading -- like they've changed their minds and want their hand back now, but don't know how to retrieve it from me. ;)

Oh and one more technique thing when reading a shallow palm, make sure their flat palm isn't due to holding too much tension in the hand. The action of "holding" the hand out for a reading will shallow out the natural cup of the palm.

isthmus nekoi

I'm not an experienced hand reader, but my sister's hand seems pretty flat (maybe I was looking at it w/too much tension though) and the faint lines always surprized me. They're *barely* there. The funny thing is, she's got a lot of energy (ballet dancer), but she sleeps like crazy. She can sleep any time of the day, or take looooong naps w/o disrupting her sleep later on in the evening. I swear, it takes mere seconds for her to visit the land of nod!!

Dark Eyes

Hi there I.N.
I wish I had your sisters ability to fall asleep quickly, it would be great to get just 40 winks whenever you wanted !

As for the flat palms shallow lines,... Perhaps it is that she uses up her energy and needs to replenish it regularely. Shallow lines can be slgns of tiredness too I find.

Perhaps the sensory responses in her hands that are triggered by the brain, and are sent through the body via our nerves to our hands, are being over exerted, therefor not responding and as a result are not showing up as deep lines in the hands.

It is a tricky one, and as I said, other factors in the hand can and will modify other tendencies. For example, she may have a very well etched Apollo line(line of creativity) and a strong Apollo finger, showing fame and fortune in the arts. Also her lifeline may be strong and long, with a very strong thumb and reasonably elastic skin and flexibility. This can all indicate a person with much stamina, determination and talent.Also, staying power.

So you see, without knowing all of the variables, it is difficult to give an accurate report.

Bit by bit, as you learn more from Alissas threads, you will be able to connect all these things yourself. it is a great way to learn, as you are learning from those who have had experience first hand and you can ask questions. It is better than any book I reckon.

If I can be of any help, please just ask, I love to be able to help others in their quest to palmistry, It is a fabulous art, more accurate than most ever realise.

sending much encouragement
Dark Eyes. ;)