Palmistry Study Group : the Life Line


re: lots of breaks in the lifeline

A palm reader recently told me because of the many breaks in my lifeline that I was unlucky in love(true so far) and went as far as to say someone had cursed me with this! I asked her if things would be the same in the future-if I would ever find love-and she slowley shook her head while she was looking at my palm and said she would meditate on it and to come see her. I haven't been able to so far, but I took a look at my palm myself and the breaks seem to stop and branch out to the right(further down my palm heading toward the wrist. I also recall a little chinese man read my palm a couple of years ago and he more or less said the same thing-minus the curse part-but he said my love life and life in general would improve after the age of 41. I just turned 41 recently. I hope he is the one telling me the truth. Any comments of experience to add? Is it also possible to change your fate according to your palm. I know in tarot you always have choices and free will-is it the same for palm reading,or is everything ground in stone?
It makes me awfully depressed to think I might have to live the rest of my life in a loveless state.


i recently attempted to read the palm of a friend of mine, and her lifeline had me a little puzzled. her lifeline was clearly defined ( no branches, gaps etc) until about half way through where there was a small darkish mark( like a dot) and it split into two. the left branch continued for about a centimetre or so before it almost completely disappeared ,then reappeared just above the base of the palm. the right branch is a barely noticeable, very faint line stretching to the base of the palm.

i interpreted the dot/mark to be a major change.. an illness or accident, something to that effect, but the branching i'm not too sure of. perhaps there would be two possible paths she could take upon reaching this point in her life?


Re: re: lots of breaks in the lifeline

celeste said:
A palm reader recently told me because of the many breaks in my lifeline that I was unlucky in love(true so far) and went as far as to say someone had cursed me with this!

Is it also possible to change your fate according to your palm. I know in tarot you always have choices and free will-is it the same for palm reading,or is everything ground in stone?

In my opinion, you did not see a "real" palm reader. In *my* opinion, palmists do not speak of "curses" nor do they attempt to interpret one's love life by reading their life line (that's what the heart line is for).

Firstly, yes your future changes, and yes YOU are in control of those changes.

The lines on your palm change too. People seem to have a HARD time believing the lines on their hands change, but they do. Very slowly. Just like the changes in life. They are slow but cumulative.

In reading palms, I make it a POINT to tell people the future is theirs to enact. I believe very few events in one's life are truly "fixed" and unavoidable.

Breaks in the Life line, to me, signify disruptions in the flow of one's life, starts and stops. If a person has many breaks, with noticable gaps, I interpret as a sign of someone who has "reinvented" themselves often, constantly changing their own identity, or how they perceive themselves, in order to create new "personas" to deal with life. They can be very changable people. (This can also show up in the Destiny, or Ego, line, when reading).

Also, successive breaks can indicate the kinds of changes that are "forced" on us -- deaths, divorces, things not always in our control. Breaks are often indicative of the way these changes have effected our health.

Remember that the primary source of information on a Life line is a measure of "vitality". Breaks, therefore, show times when one's connection to their own vital source was significantly lost or disrupted. (The reader must use their intuition, or other significant palm markings, to try and find out the source of that disruption).


sirona86 said:
her lifeline was clearly defined ( no branches, gaps etc) until about half way through where there was a small darkish mark( like a dot) and it split into two. the left branch continued for about a centimetre or so before it almost completely disappeared ,then reappeared just above the base of the palm. the right branch is a barely noticeable, very faint line stretching to the base of the palm.

i interpreted the dot/mark to be a major change.. an illness or accident, something to that effect, but the branching i'm not too sure of. perhaps there would be two possible paths she could take upon reaching this point in her life?
Yes, I would interpret this very similarly, from the way you describe it.

The small dark mark on the line may indicate a "period of darkness" for this person. On the Life line, it may indicate this will significantly effect their health, well being, and/or their outlook on their life.

The gap, or break in the line, comes after the darkness. The dark period may lead them into a state of disillusion, of ego-loss ... a sense of not knowing "who they are any more". Two paths will present themselves as options to move forward.

The left branch, I assume, is heading towards the Mount of Luna (the opposite side of the palm from the thumb). This path shows a direction that may lead them far away from home, or gives them the inner feeling of "leaving home" (i.e. whatever place of stability the person holds to as the concept of "home"). What I mean is they may physically leave, or emotionally leave, what they have known well thus far, in order to move on.

The fact that this left branch line is also broken may indicate that after taking this path, this choice, they may find themselves in another period of disorientation and ego-loss again before things smooth out. However, if it is a the stronger (deeper) line it may be an indication of the better (though harder) choice to make to stay true to one's self.

The right branch sounds like it follows the "natural" curve of the life line, and therefore may indicate the "natural" flow of this person's life, if nothing is done to change it. It is, however, a shallow line as you described, which can point to the person feeling they have lost much in life with this decision not to change (lost their vitality, their sense of well being, their own inner fire).

The right branch is also not broken though, right? My assumption is of course not -- here we see "nothing ventured, nothing gained." The stability of maintaining the situation, although not as fulfilling of a choice, does not challenge the person into an identity loss, or the need to reinvent their life.


Thanks Alissa

You made me feel better.
I have changed occupations frequently as well as (one city) so maybe that was what was indicated as well.


I have just read that, now I wish that I hadn't.

Worry lines, too many to count, a lot crossing life line basically from pretty much from the start, most concentrated there. As for branches and all the other things that you have mention, again too many to count, but a lot of them are appearing down near the base. I guess that could indicate that I may need to look at my health habits and change them before it is too late.

Edited to add:
I'm glad that I decided to read the rest of it. I don't feel so bad about all the breaks and branches now. I do have a tendency to have itchy feet, and feel like to travel a bit, visiting other countires and what not. I really haven't done that much travel lately, however, the itchy feet thing could be associated with my dad (back and forth between England and Australia, and then finally settling in Australia!!!)

As for the sister line, not sure!



These threads are incredibly interesting! I know this is old as the hills, but I am wondering if your palm changes as you age and as your life develops. I remember once I had a freckle on my palm for only a month, and it freaked me out! Also, after reading this and examining my palms more closely than I think I ever have, I noticed my ubiquitous worry lines seem to fade away after a certain point on the life line. I wonder if this is because I haven't thought that far ahead yet to worry about it... ha!

I also wonder if I eventually stop being such a worrier and worry less, if the worry lines will go away too.

What you point out about "pits" in worry lines is really quite interesting. On one hand I have a very defined "pit" at about an age when I did have a pretty jilting experience. On the other hand I have many pits... I wonder if its smaller more internal events vs. big events that have impacted my actual life course.


Oh, I'm sorry, I see that you answered my question a few posts up. Awesome... Anyway. Thanks for all of the insight!


It's fascinating to watch your lines change, isn't it? I especially enjoy watching my children's palms change (and how they don't change!).

Many blessings, toona03!