Paulina Tarot Study Group~The World


My thoughts on The World!!

A colourful winged and masqued mermaid seems to spiral and hover above water, full of energy and life force. Out of one hand pours water to renew the earth, while another holds a wand full of light and energy, ready to transform the world to completeness. She has a sunlike aura as a crown, where a pair of doves rest peacefully upon and on her stomach is an orb of the earth, making her very Gaia-like. All around her are butterflies signifying life and transformation, while behind her are excited waters, a lush landscape and a lovely castle. While our snail has disappeared from the major arcana, the hourglass look of the Judgment card seems to be back, giving us a sense of her triumphant and energetic aura, from sleep to an exuberant awakening of all things. A joyful and fulfilling end to the major arcana!