phoenix past life cards


Has anybody worked with these cards? They sound interesting.

New River

i hadn't even heard of them let alone seen them. but i think i need these cards.

do you have them faunabay? where can i get them?

love, light and hope, New River


Hi, Faunabay!

I got them last week - this is the deck I posted about under the Tarot Decks section (I didn't check which forum I was posting to!). I hadn't done much with them as there was a card missing, but yesterday I received a whole new deck and book free of charge. So far, all I've done is choose my favourite card (Eygyptian) and read up on it, so I'm afraid I'm not much help. But from what I have read so far, it seems that you choose the cards that appeal to you and meditate on them, rather than picking them at random.

I take it you haven't got the deck yet?


I have the cards..I havent used them in years..I have only used them once..The one time i did use them I would pick the ones that were most apealing then I turned them all face down to see if i would end up choosing the same ones just by my feelings....


No I don't have them. I love the phoenix (the mythical bird) so I haven't been sure that I was being drawn to this specific deck or just the bird LOL So thought I'd ask for other opinions! :) But I think I just need to get it. Like I need another deck. ROFL Right now I'm really being drawn to past life searches though.

Another thought - I want to get an actual tattoo of a phoenix, but can't find a picture that's exactly right. I guess if it's supposed to happen though I'll eventually find one. :)

But I think I'm going to have to get this deck. LOL


New River,
You can buy them at But I had read a review somewhere and can't find it now ???? Maybe I just read some of the reviews on amazon. ???? (shrug)
You'll just have to come visit me after I buy them. LOL


I have seen these cards in the bookshop I always go to, and have often nearly bought them, but have stopped myelf, cuz I end up buying a Tarot deck instead! But I love the look of the artwork, so I think I might just buy this deck next time I see it...

Knowing my luck though, I'll go to buy them, and they will be gone!



This deck seems really cool, but I hear its of limited use. The card meanings arent as open ended as Tarot, so eventually youwill either have every past life in the deck of you'll start getting false readings.Maybe someone who has it can explain how it works better