Pisces Inspired Spread (8 cards)


A spread I made inspired by Pisces. 1,5, and 3 make up one of the fish; 2, 6, and 4 make up the other fish; and 7 and 8 are what connects them together. This spread is intended for looking into the general emotional state of someone.


1- What needs to be embraced. Ideas, plans, people--something that will bring more happiness or stability to the querent that they haven't acted on.

2- What needs to be let go of. Emotions tied to past hurts, dreams that went nowhere, etc., that are wearing the querent down.

3- What the querent longs for most. (current dreams and hopes)

4- What the querent fears most.

5- Environmental influences (positive). What around the querent is affecting them emotionally in a positive way.

6- Environmental influences (negative). What around the querent is affecting them emotionally in a negative way.

7- How all of these aspects affect their inner world. (i.e. personal activities, projects, and mindset)

8- How all of these aspects affect their outer world. (i.e. their relationships with other, work, etc.)