Pls explain oracle decks?


I'm interested in knowning what the difference between the traditional decks and oracle decks are. How do you read oracle decks and is there is vast difference to reading tarot decks?

Any explanations would be welcomed :)


Okay, I'll try...

I only have one oracle deck, so I can only describe that. But from what I know about others, it basically has less cards than tarot (usually). The cards are also different, and can have other meanings. Like the one I have, Madame Endora's Fortune Cards, there are cards called 'The Key', 'The Dragon', 'The Raven', and so forth. But there is also 'Love', 'The Chalice', and 'The Knight', so some of the images are similar to tarot. The best thing about oracle cards, is that most of them dont have titles or captions, so you can basically make up your own meaning.
Its all about what the card pictures, and what it means to you. But all in all they're not that different from tarot. Hope this helped.



Thanks for trying to help, Marua. I appreciate it

Am I getting it right of I say- basically an Oracle deck is a deck of cards where you work on your personal emotion towards the card and not on traditional meanings? I realise you personalise the tarot cards for yourself, as well, even though they each have their prescribed meanings.

But the oracle is strictly based on personal and intuitive interpretation?


Oracle cards don't have a Major Arcana and a Minor Arcana, so there are no "Magician", "High Priestess", etc. cards, and there are no suit cards (wands, pentacles, swords, or cups). Oracle cards are based on a theme, such as animals, fairies,angels, etc. and can have any number of cards instead of the usual 78 like tarot. Have a look at some of the ones on AT and you'll see the wide variety:

Many blessings,


Oracle cards usually come with a book or LWB like tarot, but also like tarot, you can choose to read them intuitively.



Thank you, Bodhran

I was at the Aeclectic list and they truelly have some beautiful cards :)

So a card might have a certain meaning for me, but a different meaning for another?


Yes, if you choose to read them intuitively rather than follow the meanings in the booklet that comes with them. For instance, an owl to some people might mean the death or end of something, while to others it might mean wisdom or letting go of that which no longer serves you (ie. owl pellets).



Bodhran, I really appreciate your time :)

Would you use oracle cards for a single draw a day to see the day's energy, or is it for more specific purposes?


Any spread that you can use with tarot can generally be used with oracle cards too. I like to keep things simple, so I usually do a three card draw:

What do I need to know today?
What do I need to embrace today?
What do I need to do today?

A daily one card draw is good too, especially on busy days! Sometimes I'll just pull one card if I'm looking for insight into a situation. The booklets that come with oracle decks usually have spreads to use as well

Take care,


I will definitely get myself a deck!

Thank you Bodhran! This makes it much clearer for me. I will definitely get myself a deck as soon as possible. I appreciate all the advise