Predicting finances

i love zombies

I've had a few people ask me to do readings on financial out looks and such (both on this site and in person) and this is one area that i feel almost completely lost. mostly, i keep seeing situations and people and just about anything else you would see in an ordinary reading EXCEPT anything money related . help please? lol


Tough things to pinpoint, considering the Suit of Pentacles.

You may need to look at cards in a different light, such as the 10 Cups or 10 Pents as showing the effects of cash flowing in, 7 Cups about sizing up your risks, 6 Pents or King Pents being a bank or loan officer, or the IRS. You will need to look at cards that show 'contentment' instead of 'anxiety.'


Remember that not just Pentacles discuss money. Cups can talk about feelings about money, swords can talk about conflicts concerning money and Wands can talk about actions taken concerning money.


Wands can talk about actions taken concerning money.

Yes, the 8 of Wands could mean you are stretching your finances - given the surrounding cards - too many bases to cover.


I've had a few people ask me to do readings on financial out looks and such (both on this site and in person) and this is one area that i feel almost completely lost. mostly, i keep seeing situations and people and just about anything else you would see in an ordinary reading EXCEPT anything money related . help please? lol

I frequently find that decks won't talk dollars and cents, but they *will* tell the client what it is about their current behaviour or thinking that is keeping them poor, and/or wjat they can do to improve their finances.


Try reading the cards as if you didn't know the subject matter, like if you were doing it blindly without your querent telling you the topic of the reading. Then go back and change the adjectives to match "financial terms"

i.e. - "You're taking a risk and are excited about the possibilities" --> that statement could mean they're starting to date again, they're switching careers, they're on a new diet, or they just invested their nest egg into the stock market.

"The Strength card indicates you will strike a delicate balance and use wisdom in potentially dangerous moments."

"The outcome of the 5 of swords shows you may experience a sense of betrayal, and will be left with cleanup" ... etc.

Any of these statements apply to any area of life, financial or otherwise.