Prince of Swords - Positive or Negative Response?


I did a reading where Prince of Swords came up in the what would their response be position.I know Prince of Swords represents more of an internal conflict card, so would it be that they are fighting internally in regards to what the response would be? Or am I just missing something here in regards to the card?


It could also be that they would respond (communicate) swiftly.


If we're talking the Thoth or a Thoth-clone, the Prince is almost equivalent to the King, so then it would indicate mastery and development, and as Swords (Air) is about the intellect, it would indicate a need to deal with the relationship rationally and intelligently.


Well I was looking more for a yes or a no type answer, but thanks for the insight.

The crowned one

They would be domineering and fast thinking. Their response would be whatever they think( know) is right with little regard to the others notions. They do not spend a lot of time pondering simple questions.


Tarot doesn't do yes or no terribly well - Tarot is for when things are complex and need insight. Yes or no isn't insight, just an answer. I keep a pendulum with me for quick and definite yes-no answers, and have it around as a supplementary tool when I'm going readings in case during the reading the client asks a yes-no question that can't be rephrased as a question for more info and insight.

It's worth noting that pendulums are very susceptible to changes in your personal energy, changes in the energy in the space around you, changes in the tides if you are near a coast, changes in geo-magnetic energy, and I believe even to the 11-year solar flare cycle (I've been using them long enough to notice that cycle as well as a greater pattern overlaying all the little ones).

They change their minds. I've never used a metal or a wooden pendulum so I can't speak for them, but over the decades I've used a rutilated quartz pendulum and a single-point clear quartz pendulum (one of them is reserved for radionics work, one for yes-no questions), and they both change from time to time. In order to allow for them changing their "minds", this is what I do.

Before I ask a question, I'll hold the pendulum and ask it to demonstrate a yes-swing (or a girl-swing). I'll watch how it starts to move. Then I'll bring it to a stop, and ask it to demonstrate a no-swing (or a boy-swing), and watch how it then starts to move. When I know what both swings are for the session, I'll thank it and move on to the question.

Even if you don't believe things change, it is only good manners to check with the pendulum.

The swingds it cane come up with for the two different answers are a forward-backward swing, a left-right swing, a clockwise round-swing, an anti-clockwise round-swing, and on a couple of occasions over the years a diagonal-one-way swing and a diagonal-the-other-way swing.

I have had yes-no being the two round swings, or one round swing and one straight one, I have had a forwards swing versus a sideways swing for the answers, and on one red-letter occasion only recently (once in my whole life), yes was an anti-clockwise swing and no was a completely still pendulum.

Always do that quick check first so you don't get fooled into giving an inaccurate answer. It helps to know what your tools are doing.


Tarot offers you ways to make decisions. It doesn't decide for you

Nisaba has it right. Tarot is so rich and complex, I don't understand why anyone uses it for simple "yes/no" questions. Why not just flip a coin?

I think this should be written on every Tarot deck: Tarot cards give you ways to MAKE decisions. They do not make decisions for you. So don't ask them to.

Putting it another way, if you're going to use the Tarot, expect it to IGNORE your "yes/no" question and give you a rich, complex answer that covers everything. So you ask it, "Should I respond to this guy," and it doesn't say yes, respond or no, do not respond. Instead it tells you, IF you respond, do so this way: "You should respond quickly and firmly, with all your facts in place, and don't back down if the other person wants to argue. Stand your ground and communicate clearly and decisively."

That is what the Prince/Swords says. Whether or not you respond is up to you, but the tarot says that so long as you're informed, clear, focused and willing to fight, then responding will go well. Are you?