

hi i am really interested in this, is there anyone on here who does it?


I actually had to look this one up...

Psychometry is the ability to read the history of certain objects by holding the object in your hand or placing it to your forehead. Usually small personal objects such as a watch, ring, key or other personal objects are the best.

Here's a link for more info:

There's also a list of links to other scrying methods. Interesting...




I read jewelry. I never knew that it had a name.
I will hold a piece of jewelry, usually a ring and I would actually get
pictures in my mind. I used to always read for my friends. It was kind of
hard to read for friends, because you know too much about them and it was
hard to sort what I knew about them and what I was picking up from the
piece of jewelry. I prefer to read for strangers, the less I knew about the person, the more accurate I am. Reading jewelry is very different than
tarot reading. When I read jewelry, I get impressions, feelings, the piece of
jewelry that I am holding, gives me the information about the owner. It comes in bits and pieces, I would pick up a name or a place. When I combine it with
a tarot reading, I get a more complete reading.


Ive been wanting to learn this divination since quite a while.. It would be great if someone could give me tips on how to get started with this divination..


I've only done it once, with a pocket knife of someone's, I got a strong vision from it: it was being used to gut fish. I could feel the hot sun on my back, hear the lapping of the water...perhaps deep sea fishing, definitely gulf fishing.

Note: I have absolutely no sense of smell, so I couldn't smell any residual fishiness on it, and the knife itself was very well maintained. It was just a pure feeling I got from it.


Jewelry Reading

It is very easy to do. It is easier than reading tarot. Hold a piece of jewelry, something that catches your eye and hold it in the palm of your hand, relax and let the piece of jewelry talk to you. You may see pictures in your mind's eye or hear the information. When the information comes to you, it feels different than your thoughts, there is usually a sense of peace and knowing.
I hope I explain this right. Practice with your friends, that is how I learned to
do it. I can't read my jewelry and I can't wear old antique jewelry because I
sense the feelings of the original owners.


Psychometry was how I started - Before Tarot, before anything else - I was involved in a six week seminar here in Adelaide and Psychometry was the first thing we focused on.

Some people find it very easy and can connect with the process straight away - It really depends on your strengths.
