Reflections on Shadowscapes


Wasn;t sure where to put this, as it wasn't really a spread or part of a study... mods, feel free to move if needed!

First, I would like to talk about what has inspired me to write these reflections.

I pulled the Tower for my daily card today, but it didn't seem to make sense - I'd had a really good day. This led me to reflect more deeply on this card and this deck - and this is something this deck is leading me to do, really look at the deck and the cards. I've always seen the Tower as a purely negative card. When I've had a Tower day before, I've had rubbish days - things kept getting lost, broken etc. But by pulling it today, and having a good day, it's led me to think about the positive side of this card, which I've never thought about before.

Like I said, I've had a really good day, and I feel more calm and contented with myself than I have for months and months. That led me to think about the Tower as a form of healing. Stephanie writes in the LWB about the Tower:

"Making a clean and utter severing from the past".

While this can be traumatic, such as the crashing down of the Tower suggests, it can also be an uplifting experience too. I really have taken a major leap on the road to self-recovery today, after the traumatic experiences of the last three years or so, which totally knocked my self-confidence and self-belief. I no longer feel as angry towards the person who caused me such pain, nor as bitter towards them. I'm on the way to forgiving them, and since they are suffering in pain themselves, actually feeling sorry for them. I still won't have any contact with them, for fear of starting the cycle again, so it is a clean break from my past in that respect.

This deck is definitely a healing deck. I can't remember a time I felt more contented with the way I am and who I am - and this feeling all stems from one of the first readings I have done with this deck. I've carried the deck with me all day for the past three days or so, simply because I have no time to do my daily readings in the morning, so I do them in my break at work, at it really is having a calming, healing effect on me.

Since I got this deck, I have been contacted by my guide, Iskar, who takes the form of a Raven (though he says he prefers the term 'Stormcrow'). He says that he is here to help me, to help release all the negative energy and pent-up emotions that I have about the person I mentioned above, and to help me on the path to recovery and self-enlightenment. (Iskar even features in the companion book to the deck...although he tells me he is keen to point out that it's not actually him, just a representation of him. I'm learning he's quite picky!)

But I can write pages and pages on Iskar, and none of that has to do with the deck. Aside from it being a healer, the deck itself is calming and gentle to use. As a clairsentient, I can generally feel things from the deck about the creator of the deck, and I can tell certain things about it. If a deck was made for monetary gain, I can sense that, and my readings are muddy. If it was made 'just because' or if the creator started off with good intentions but then it became a bit of a chore to finish the deck, again, I can sense that. But this deck is one of the rare ones. This is one where I can sense that every single card has been made with the same love, care and devotion - every single painting has been thoroughly, thoughtfully and carefully laid out to include as much symbolism as possible, without going overboard. I get a real sense of love from the deck, not only for the cards, but as though Stephanie really cares about the people she made the deck for.

A healing deck, and a positive deck, and the one and only deck that has really encouraged me to study it deeply, and to turn the traditional meanings and meanings that I have come to know...not on their heads, exactly... but encourages me to see them in a different light.


I love this deck so much, I've actually been using it for over a year because I made my own copy before it was released (I plan to take it to the new age faire when Stephanie is there and show her... I've also bought the mass market).

The tower in this deck is less harsh than some. It strikes me as energizing while it's devastating. And everyone knows how clean the air smells after a storm!


Really, Taamar? Ooh, I bet she'll be thrilled to see that.

I agree - and I like that in this deck. And that's a good way of thinking of it, as a card that clears the air.


WinterRose said:
This deck is definitely a healing deck.
I so, so agree with you. When I got the special edition, I chose Judgement as my print because I think that card symbolizes what this deck means to me. Studying this deck is such a pleasure, and I also believe this deck has really helped me expand my perception of quite a few cards.