Relocation spread - Mostly court cards?


Hmm, did a check up reading on my moving process and progress and I'm a bit at a loss from the majority of cards that I've pulled using this spread and would love some more input. No reversals used.

1. The kind of place that would be most conducive to your well-being. - Knight of Cups - Some place that helps ignite my creativity which - yes, part of why I'm planning to move. This also makes me think of some place close to the water which would honestly be wonderful. I've always found the beach/ocean to be really calming and soothing (despite not knowing how to swim :laugh: ).

2. Your chances of moving within the next 6 Months - Knight of Wands - Seems like a pretty clear Yes this will definitely happen at the least.

3. How you will find your special place. - King of Pentacles - HM. I'm not quite sure what to make of this. Is this a realtor? A business minded individual... Perhaps a friend I know may be the tip off for finding a place?

4. Something you need to know about this spot. - King of Cups - Another court!! Maybe this means that this place will be very healing for me emotionally and spiritually? It'll really help level up my creativity?

5. What needs to happen before you can move. - Seven of Cups - I see this as saying I need to just get my ducks properly in order which, admittedly, has been difficult! Because it's such a big move I feel like all I can do is focus on the financial aspect until I'm at my goal, then I can settle on a place and living situation.

6. Something you need to consider about this place. - The Fool - It'll be a big move/chance which yes! I'm trying to move to the opposite coast and on my own no less so this seems relevant.

7. Outcome - Four of Swords - The move will likely be exhausting but I'll end up finding some peace of mind at the end.

I pulled an extra card on finding a roommate (since it's the other thing I need to figure out) and got Queen of Coins! Another court card! This is typically me, however, so the big take away seems to be reinforcing that I need to get my finances in order and then the roommate will come more easily.

I'm a little at a loss over all of the court cards, however, especially since they do not tend to reflect me or represent me usually in readings so I'm not quite sure what to make of these! Further input would be appreciated!