Dee 04

I am interested in getting this deck. It looks so beautiful. Have any of you worked with it? How long? what do you like/disliek about it?


Quote:Dee (26 Oct, 2001 09:20):
I am interested in getting this deck. It looks so beautiful. Have any of you worked with it? How long? what do you like/disliek about it?

i have had this deck about 6 monthes and i love it. the images are surreal, beautiful, and sensual. it reminds me of a lighter version of the vertigo tarot. the cards are rather large and hard to shuffle but the paper seems to be a good thickness. be sure to get the book that goes with it. there are exact reproductions of the cards in the book so you can read the book and still compare the meaning w/ the card w/o taking the deck everywhere to study it. the art is well-done in both the majors and minors. the artists creates a complete mythology in the context of the deck that lives consistently in the bounds it's own creation. not all decks can do this. for example, the mythological world of the gendron isn't consistently similar context artistically. this throws the deck off for me. she starts w/ paintings in the majors and switches in using other mediums in the minors. the lack of artistic consistentcy keeps the gnedron from working for me. these areas work well together in the Rohrig. of course, i don't own a monopoly on the truth so i know there are others here that don't like the rohrig.

my advise: BUY IT! :D }> :p

Dee 04

thanks. what do you use this deck primarily for? Divination? Meditaiton? Self? Others?


experimenting w/ all you mentioned. i did one reading for someone else but for some reason i just couldn't bring out of myself the interp of the cards for her. i can do myself b/c it speaks volumes to me in the language of imagery. verbal language failed me on this deck. verbally i have no prob w/ reading the art noveau, rws, robin wood and hansom-roberts for others. maybe it's b/c i learn do verbal readings w/ rws clones and used only those for around 15 years. then it was rws and thoth for the next 10. i've only been experimenting w/ decks w/ imagery different than those 2 for the last 2 years. w/ practice and meditation i think the rohrig will eventually work for me as a reading deck. it really inspires me to read. i just need tarot mind/symbol/metaphor/mythology brain expansion!!!!!!!! :D :cool:


Quote:Dee (28 Oct, 2001 08:45):
thanks. what do you use this deck primarily for? Divination? Meditaiton? Self? Others?

I use this deck, the Cosmic and the Robin Wood. Rohrig is my favorite - complex images with real human emotions extant within the forms.

Because of the complexity of the images, I'd suggest using a smaller spread. I use a 7 card spread of my own design, and findit works better for me.

Next decks for me are voyager and vertigo.


I love the Rohrig set, not only are the pictures wonderful, but the back is nice too. Some of the imagery is a little beyond me, but it is always beautiful. The mix of old and new is fantastic.

The cards are big, and you need room for a spread. I find that some clients do not like them, because they find them too hard to shuffle, due to their size. Also, there is a fair bit of nudity, and sensuality. Some people have a problem with this.

Personally, I think you should go it. Even if you don't use them as your principle deck, they are beautiful to own.