roommate spread?


Hello all.
First I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and thanks to those
who have supported each other on AT. I wish I was able to spend more
time here, though looking forward to expanding more into my Tarot practice this year.

My inquiry is to find a roommate spread to guide me in finding the right
person to share my place with. In turn I've been feeling a strong feeling
the last few mos. for a change in environment. A place that is quieter &
closer to nature and sunnier. I've currently been living at my place for over 10 yrs. and feel it is time to move on. Financially, I'm sorting out a few ways to make this a reality.

I suppose I need a spread that can assist me in seeing how long I should continue having a roommate or if something else is opening up on the horizon that I should be aware of. Oddly enough I feel like a few opportunities are ahead of me and want to follow through with this.

I did a search in the Tarot Spreads but nothing that I feel could nail
these queries specifically. It seems more like a combining of different
catagory of spread would work best.

Much appreciate any thoughts or ideas for this.

in light and em-power.. ~A~


I don't know if this helps...

I'm looking for a new roommate right now. I met two candidates today. I'm rather torn between which to have move in.

I saw another thread about someone who was having troubles with their roommate, and tried to adapt the spread mentioned.


1) How do I feel about the person
2) How does the person feel about me
3) What will our relationship be like
4) Outcome.
"Outcome" seems to reveal what the living situation will be like, or if it is a good idea, where as Card 3 seems to be more about friendship.

I ran this for each candidate, and it provided some insight.

If you've been meeting people, you could do this spread for each person. If the "Outcomes" are ultimately negative, then that could be a sign that you need to move on.

I hope this kind of helps. And for anyone else reading, you can probably use this as a basic relationship spread.

Good luck