Rx Pope clarified as 6 Swords rx


Hello. In a career reading for myself, the future was the rx pope. I took it to mean iconoclasm. But since the past influence/obstacle was 8swds, I wondered if it meant "feeling shame." As clarification to the pope, I pulled rx 6swds, which is to me, "stuck" and vocal about it. If so, that's not really an outcome so much as a reaction. I was looking for clarity around what is getting in the way of my being able to move on from where I am, and instead it seems the cards are saying "you're stuck," which I already know. Unless, this about speaking up...? Thanks for any thoughts on this.


Moderator Note

leatherstockings, please don't use abbreviations in thread titles as that makes searching for the thread more difficult in the future. Before I edited the thread title, if someone searched for 6 Swords or 8 Swords, this thread wouldn't come up because at no point do you actually use the word "swords" in your post, just abbreviations of the word.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards


Hi, just an idea: it seems you feel paranoid and worried about your career and this comes from the past (8 Swords). However it seems you feel so because of what other people think, that is to say it's like you're surrounded by people (your family perhaps) telling you your career is not right according to their way of thinking or living or better according to their "tradition", that's how I'd interpret the Pope/Hierophant Reversed. The 6 Swords Reversed seems to confirm you don't want to leave behind these "troubled waters", that is you're too worried about what other people may think about your life, that's why you're in a rut.


Hi, Rodney: Thanks for correcting that and the additional instruction; I didn't see that in the posting rules, but I often miss stuff when I use my phone, as the screen is so small.


Elena: Wow. Thanks. That' so on point. It's actually really on point. But then I still need to go back and look for an action to take, I think. In any case, since the "current" time is a 2 of pentacles, it would seem I am juggling more than I need to. Only, I am not having fun doing so. Thanks again.


Hi, again Elena. I was just reading through the rules for this forum and realized I didn't leave you a lot of feedback. I am supposed to be more detailed. I normally try to keep things brief, but that's not playing by the rules, I guess.

So, the more detailed feedback I can give is that I have been struggling with wanting to transition to something new career-wise for a variety of reasons, but am very scared to go backwards financially because it was hard enough to get where I am now.

Speaking as you did about "tradition", over the summer, a number of readings I have done for myself around this topic of how to change jobs have had themes. The ten of pentacles, which of course is significant where tradition is concerned, has come up both dignified and Rx a lot (6 times since June 1 across about 15 relevant readings). The other cards that have come up 6 or more times are all court cards (queen of swords, king of pentacles, page of pentacles, knight of cups, king of swords. Also, the pope, the hanged man, and the 2 two and six of wands. It's a party in here. They differ when they appear--could be up or Rx.

The eight of swords doesn't really come up much at all, though. To come up as the past, and the Rx pope as the future made me wonder if I see my outsider status as a reason I don't succeed, when maybe it's why I could succeed. But the six confused me into thinking I was sinking under the outsider status instead.

And while this is now more words than I have used in days, in a separate, more "overview" type of spread I did last night, which was based around two large either/or choices, the ten of pentacles upright was the "ending and the beginning". Of note is that the tower was the thing I know I am already undergoing. How I am supposed to know what will come as a shock is curious, but I guess it means that I have already started to pull apart the world view I thought I actually had.

Plenty to digest there. Thanks.


I'm very happy to see my interpretation did resonate!! :D


Pope reversed is working outside of the box, the 6 of Swords reversed is going at it on your own. This combination reminds me of the Fool, doing it your way not needing approval. Growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Best of luck to you.