scrying info please


I realized I should have started a new thread about this instead of posting it under jade's "new divination" one. So here it is.....

jade, can you fill me in on this scrying business please? :) I haven't really done much of this at all, but have been getting more and more interested in it.

If you would - fill me (us) in on the actual physical (what do you physically do to scry) and the psychic (what do you "see" or "get") parts of scrying please.

One thing I do know is you can scry with almost any clear surface - water, crystals, mirrors, etc.


well, it depends. sometimes i actually physically see a small tv screen inside the crystal ball (or glass of water etc) and i watch the figures move around and just describe what i see.

other times i see (still) pictures like slides that change.

at other times i see pictures that i interpret and then another picture forms and i interpret it,......kinda like looking at a tarot card that you haven't seen before and interpreting it.

i also get smells, feelings, sense stuff etc.

in light,

ps my new ball is made from fossilized marble......i LOVE using it cause the little markings actually become things. like the last reading i did, i saw dragons holding onto the rock in the querents front yard. a fairie in the garden bathing in a hanging bird bath. and her twin daughters going in different directions. to name a few things...the reading was well over an hour long.


Jade: "the little markings actually become things"
Is that allowed then?...when I try and use my crystal, a lot of the patterns i see are just reflections/refractions, do they count if they become something else?..I kinda thought they didn;t, which might be why i haven;t really had much success...


Like Jade, I find that the marks in my crystal do become things. My quartz crystal has a lot of inclusions and veils, and I use those to "get things going." Once I'm into it, i don't even see those things anymore, as I am seeing "pictures" in the "front" of the crystal. (not sure if that makes sense, it's hard to describe).

I'm glad to hear that your new ball of fossilized marble works so well. It's opaque then? I just purchased a beautiful green and black jasper ball, but I haven't used it yet (waiting for the full moon so I can cleanse it first). Can't wait!!


Part of the reason this is in the front of my mind right now is I went to a friends retreat center this last weekend. She has a green glass ball (with air bubbles in it) out in what she calls Shiva's corner on a nature pathway.
As I was staring into it I almost began to see things - but not quite. It was almost like something wanted to come through but I just wasn't letting it????

OK this has made me think of another question - I'm off to start another thread. LOL :)


okay first malachite, yes that's 'allowed' LOL that's the whole point!

bella, no it's not opague. it's solid but it doesn't seem to matter one bit. it still shows me as much as my experiences with a crystal ball.

also, i cleanse my stuff with energy (reiki) rather than the moon. i'm not saying that the whole 'horse and pony show' doesn't have merit, but it's really not neccessary. it depends alot of what you believe. personally i believe there are no limitations on what i can do and how i can do it. so i don't feel that i need to wait for the moon, or anything else. i can move energy to become what i need, when i need it. (hope that makes sense)

in light,

ps but my way isn't the right way, it's just right for me. ;)


hmm, I have absolutely no experience with reiki so that is not an option for me. wish i did though, reading about it so much here at aecletic, it sounds wonderful! I actually "smudged" my first crystal first, but it still didn't feel "right" afterwards, so my sister advised me to use the moon for cleansing, and it was effective, so i'll just use it for my second ball as well! (i just leave the ball on the windowsill for three nites).
any experience with opaque balls? i'm wondering how this will compare to the clear crystals...


Originally posted by jade [/i

also, i cleanse my stuff with energy (reiki) rather than the moon. i'm not saying that the whole 'horse and pony show' doesn't have merit, but it's really not neccessary. it depends alot of what you believe.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"horse and pony show"? jade i'm hurt! :(

i would love to learn more about reiki, it sounds absolutely wonderful, and i suspect that to some degree i have learned a little by intuition. but please don't discount ritual. i believe our individual spirit guides require/are pleased by, different things from us. ritual is very important in my life. it keeps me connected with the spirits and "powers that be". ritual is valuable in many aspects of life, just ask our children.

i'm also a firm believer in the power of the moon. i garden by moon phases, watch my female energy and power cycle like the tides. life has many cycles, tying in to them, be they moon cycles or seasonal cycles connects me to something universal.



you missed the part that said, "'i'm not saying that the whole 'horse and pony show' doesn't have merit, but it's really not neccessary. it depends alot of what you believe."

if you believe that the moon has power, then it does.
if someone else believes that candles have power, then they do.

alot of what we do and what we believe in is because it 'feels' right for us. for me "personally i believe there are no limitations on what i can do and how i can do it." it feels right for me to take the power of the moment and transform it into my current needs :)

i also believe in ritual.

so please zorya, don't take my example of cleansing a crystal ball into meaning that planting by the moon is NOT effective, because i completely believe in the power of the moon.

i just don't believe that cleansing tools and cards etc need to be done by burying them, or letting them sit in a window sill for three nights, it's another way of doing it, nothing wrong with it, but for me, personally, i don't do it that way. that doesn't make my way wrong.....just different from yours :)

in light,


i don't think i missed the point my friend.
of course there are many ways. but i would never call the way you ( or anyone else here ) do something spiritual "a horse and pony show".