Secret Study Story


Hello Fellow Secret Lovers!
I thought instead of starting a new card (which I really want to do, but don't know if we are really ready to move on) we could have a little story time. This could technically be posted in Tarot Games forum but I thought it would be fun to limit the story to just the secret deck and it would give us a way to continue to study. I chose the 6 of swords to start with.............

Violet's feet were planted firmly in the small boat. Behind her sat a hired hand awkwardly dressed rowing. The boat was worn and tattered as were the clothes Violet was leaving in. She turned to face the wind and put her back to her past. She traveled light - no baggage in the boat. The rest of her journey would be on foot. The man was just there to help her cross to the otherside. As she stood in the boat her mind drifted - thinking of all the people and possessions she was leaving behind. She knew it was her time to go. She wanted a new life and adventure waited for her on the shore.....


the serene, green water puts Violet in a reflective mood and she realizes that she is not just making a physical crossing, but a spiritual one, as well. This a watershed moment for her, sea changes are occurring within her and by the time she reaches the other side it will be a different Violet who steps off of the boat than who entered it...


As Violet stepped out of the boat her lungs heaved a great sigh of relief from just knowing she was on the otherside. She turned to pay her hired man and he had disappeared in the fog. Not even a glimpse of his tattered top hat could be seen. On the land she spotted a shimmer of gold. The gold had a warmth to it and the orb of light in the fog seemed to be coming her way. A voice called out to her,
"Violet, do not be scared. I am the Queen of Chalices from the land of Pleasure. I am here to welcome you to our land. Please state the intentions of your presence on our shore."
Violet shivered feeling a cold gust of wind off the water. She straighted her back, feebly trying to improve her posture before the queen.
"My intentions of my journey are.......................

based on the queen of chalices