seventh year reading at the eagle lake pow wow 2014


Hi guys

this year wasn't so good for reading opportunities whereas in previous years i would make 200 to 300 .. due to the rain most likely I only made 140 all together.

And the majority of the readings was one card reading for 10 bucks which if i didn't offer it,, i would of made only about half of that.

So let the negatives out of the way,,let us start with the postives.. of which there was many !!

the main thing is for the one card reading it start with a enjoyable 16 year old when I was doing my shuffling and asking for guidance with him,, i got the impression or message that he was extremely talented but was blocking it..
so i said that,, and he started laughing and his buddies started laughing as they were on the joke..
and he said he was a rapper..
and he got the knight of cups ,, witch with the vamprye tarot,, i was reminded of death metal so i shared that he had to come from the heart,, to share the pain,, then he can do the healing rap,,and it would be more natural for him..
then he got the emperor card reversed as soul message so we talked about his father for a while..

he came back with his buddy and his friends,, so I blocked myself as they were expecting psychic readings ,, and alas when someone commented “show me the magic “ ,i blocked myself..
however the reading was still on,, it was the six of cups reversed which in this tarot showed ghosts..i forget which tarot it was though,,
but i read it that he was focused on his ex,, or she was ,, as it was relationship so they have to have a heart to heart so they can move on..
ah young love.

He came back with another two friends who wanted a reading.. one card again..

so for the one dude,, as i wasnt' pressured, some information came which i shared that someone thing happend when he was five,, that helped formed his spirituality,, as he was christian,, he nodded that he knew what i was talking about. Now as i write this i forgot what his actual cards were..

and the other friend he brought i told him , the message i got is he liked the taste of achol or beer but doens't like to drink or get drunk but rather he wants he to open up his brewrly and he said that makes sense.
And if forget what his actual card was. .. oh yes i remember,, i came back up to share it,,that he has an older woman flirting with him (queen of pentacles ) which for him would of been 23/4 as he was 18.. and he said yes.. and i said she doesnt' means to hurt you,, like be with you and then hurt you reputation but instead just want to have fun..and the two of wands was there,, and i shared how it could be a mutal friendship.. and he said yes that makes sense..

The last of the night they brought a natural beauty who was 17/18.. and was so postive that i got some energy from her when i read for her,, that the message i got when i was shuffling the cards is i sent her friends away,, to relay the message that one of her friends is in trouble, aka drinking to much or something like that and she doenst' know what to do but she still wants to be a friend,, and she wondered if she should back off..
so i said the spirit said to be a true freind,, whatever that means to you.

And i said now to your reading, and she said oh that wasn't it.. and i said no that was a psychic readsing, or channeled message. Now for the reading itself that has to depends on the cards themselves.
So the first card was cruelty nine of swords and i said you been very stressed out and you feel the world is cruel however you dn't want to become cruel like the world. And she nodded..
and the soul message was prince of cups reversed, and i asked if she had a little brother right..or sibling and she laughed to hersel or giggled laughed so it was obivous she loved him very much and i said he is going to have a lot of talent ,, in the physical like hockey but he w ill need encouragement like for her to get a winter job to help him. (as an example ) and she said that makes sense..
and she left,

and i ended the night there for i felt that i got the person i was waiting for.. and the energy for the day left.

There was a person who was worried to get a card reading,, and i laid out the card which was the emerpor reversed, i think however he said i was right somewhat and i said tell me the somewhat and i can help you further, and he said he was thinking of his exe..
and i said ok you have to give it the old try then leave as you want a relationship where you are both equals..
and then the soul message was the tower.. and i shared the teadching of the tower and how in relationship it means letting it fall so you can rebuild a new relationship possibly with someone else..
then he left feeling like i meant something.

I read for two ladies earlier today,, the first one which was based on her relationship yet with the deck of a thousand spreads,, it took on energy of its own.. which the only relationship she was looking at was a possibly mutal one with a coworker.. and i shared that letting go was the ace of swords,, which means here that she was looking for that magic movie relationship and was missing some opportunities in real life..

then her freind asked about her personal life..
so the cards went on a journey that looked at her job,, and how she was the magician and i siad people look to you as a boss,, and she said yes she was back to help out..
and i said the problem though now is you were working on getting the socal aspects down,, and now has to focus on the mental focus of the work people,, or the phsyical work and her friend and her laughted so i guess that made sense to them..
and there was a king of cups reversed,, and i said oh at work there is a man and he is bad and they laughed some more..
that was a good reading i felt with myself hitting the energy better on the second reading..

and it all stemmed from the first reading with this young man where it was the emperor reversed in the halloween tarot ,, and instead of going with the old father energy ,,i decided to be safe and blocked the eneergy and said that it was because spiirtual animals were trying to help him....
and we talked a bit about there was someone he has to do.. and he talked about his father dying one to two years ago..
now if i had went with my normal message,, i would of hit it on the head..
so we talked about him visiting his father gravestone or putting tobacco into the fire ,, and talking to the spirit at the sacred fire here..

so after he left,, i was mentally telling myself not to block the energy ,,but to go with my inuition.

So while I didn't make my usual quota,, the readings themselves were all meaningful and i find myself wondering about the psychic messages i was getting.. as to be honest,, i was blocking that stuff the last couple of months..having done few tarot readings..

in fact due to being out of pratice,, i was worried i would lose my touch.. but instead it flowed better..i guess today was just a good day
i just hope it is as good reading wise tomorrow as now the day is over,, i would rather hit 200 dollars worth of good readings then 300 dollars where i felt one or two wasn't that good.

My own niece though asked me for one card,, how long do the readings last,,i said 4 to 5 minutes perhaps.. and she start laughing and said that sounds like scam.. all that money for 5 minutes.. (she thirteen now so 10 is lots of moolah ) .
which brings me to debate i was having with myself,, i thought about taking out the one card for 10 bucks but in retrospect i would of lost out on good moolah today.. and then there are people who come to the pow wow with family and can't afford 20 bucks to spend on a reading,, but can do so for 10.

on a side note unrelated..

i was s tting nice and dry in my gazebo structure with my sunblocks on with my oldest niece. Sitting there and one of the pouring rains came down.. so we were sitting there,, and then came my little niece 11,, walking in the rain,, and i said “ohh poor niece.” and then my oldest niece started laughing.. and myself i started laughing,, and my young niece walking in the rain,, started smiling as she got closer,, and then almost started laughing herself.
See when she first heard me laughing she felt mad at me laughing at her,, but as i kept on laughing,,i guess it made her start feeling my mirth..
i asked her if she heard her sister laugh ,, but no she only heard my big loud laugh to which my oldest niece said “you laugh loud like santa claus “


Thanks for sharing your reading stories. It sounds like you connected with a lot of people.

I go to a lot of pow wows with friends and family, and besides the enjoyment of sharing with the indigenous community, I love picking up feathers and natural materials especially, but have never seen a tarot reader at any.


Was this Eagle Lake in the Adirondacks??

I was just (literally just before I came to check Aeclectic) looking at Zillow daydreaming of someday living up there- the clean air, the rambling mountain streams you come by on any hike you take, the Pharaoh Lake wilderness- it's like heaven on earth. There is something magical about the forests and lakes up there- it sounds crazy to anyone I say it to until I get them up there. What a fantastic place to do readings!


ah nay

it is in up here in Ontario Canada.
I didn't know there was an eagle lake in Adirondacks.

leaving soon for the second day of reading ,, today though I used my Doreen virtue ascended masters books to call in ascended masters for abundance,, clairovance,, life purpose ,, pretty well anything I found at the back to be useful, if someone is grieving over a recently lost one,.

Hooked on TdM

Sounds like a good day! Your not too far from me if you live in that area. I'm in T Bay. If your ever heading this way, I'd love to meet at Timmy's for a tea!


Ah, alas! Sorry.
Yes there is an Eagle Lake in the "Dacks"- plus a Goose Lake, a Paradox Lake, a Pharaoh Lake, and a lake mysteriously named the Grizzle Ocean.
If you get a chance, visit.
And I hope your day 2 goes great!


day 2

Today was the last day of the the pow wow

and I am pleased to report i did 280 dollars worth of reading with a lot of one card reading so it was plenty of readings.
The technique i used to get psychic information before doing the reading worked in almost every case,, except for two.
The first one I asked if they had a brother and they starting talking about a brother but the brother of the person in question so i said i meant do you have a brother and she said no.
So i asked OK i still get a brother do you have a friend who is like a brother and she said “maybe” guardedly ,, and i said “and he doesn’t see you as a sister but a potential mate down the line “ to which her and her friend broke out laughing,, and i said “but you still see him a brother .. “ and they kept on laughing. I guess it was a little joke for them.

The second time i saw a fisherman and i asked if he was traditional and he said no,, and you are a christian,, and he said yes..
and i said “you resonate a lot with peter the fisherman don't you “ and he said yes.. and i said “you want to be a minister of some sort “ and he said yes..

but there was one time where i was wrong ..
i was shuffling and he asked about if he was cursed.. and i said “fire “and he said no..
and i said “ if you were cursed , you would had fire burst out unexpectedly or computers blow up..
to which he said he saw dark shadows..
and i explained about medium-ship,, and clearing it ,

so for the actual card readings themselves they too were on the mark ,,which i felt good about,, and the deck of a thousand spreads really added so much that no one who saw them used the premade spread but choose the deck of a thousand spreads so towards the end of the night i used only them for the last few readings.

I read for my spiritual friends who do work like us,, and she was impressed so that helped give me personal validation..
and there was a young man who spoke of visions in the sweat lodge and his partner being a light worker.. and it felt good to connect with people who understand some things beyond the love relationships questions.

Probably the best thing of the night for me personally was reading for a couple with their granddaughter who kept on starting at me strangely i thought.. but i kept on reading and it was a good read.. the couple left ..
and i went to watch the grand entry and the granddaughter was next to me and looked at me,,
and after the grand entry was over they came back and said she wanted a reading..
and all was revealed.

She is the sister of a friend who lost their mother last year and she was now 13, i read for her though for her grandmother was there whole time. And the reason why she was starting now and then at me is i didn't remember her despite talking to me with her sister before. So 2 years has passed though since i seen her.

So the reading went good,, and i felt it was a special moment so i offered for free the Doreen virtue medium-ship cards. And the messages she got was special , i felt , and the grandma felt as well.

The whole day i felt like i was going to use them but for what, and who,, and so it all worked out.

Let me describe the day in general..
the afternoon there was hardly anyone,, but towards the end of the night 8 to 10, there was people all around which is something if you belong to the pow wow community is something you want to see as you feel the hard work your community puts into it was worth it..
there was a lot of people at the grand entry coming in and out,, and i remember describing in a previous pow wow from previous years,, about being touch about the elder woman coming in..
this time it was about the children coming in and hearing the MC saying “it is the future wisdom keepers of the future, the youth and the little ones “ that i wish it was able to be filmed just once so it can be shared. (though probably someone filmed theirs and put it online ).

and i gave my niece the camera to go take a picture of the sunset,, as i was too busy to take photos as that is when the readings picked up..
and the sunsets she came back with were truly awesome that i can't wait to post them to my face book
but first i wanted to share this before i forget ..

with the amount of tarot cards dealt there was a trend.. the tower for one.. and there wasn't the hermit once,, the moon, the high priestess..the world card .. a lot of court cards and minors. \
and the trend was the emperor a lot as well.
And once there was the death card but it was the death card of sleeping beauty and we talked about she is changing for her boyfriend..
and the devil card,, only showed up once at the end, and we talked about addiction and how he wants to help his friends addiction.. and he said that made sense.

The other thing is i didn't have to once resort to the old numerology system of relating the majors aka 15 to become 6,, in the one card spread,, probably for i tried the impression thing first. ,
and of course there was the soul message itself .

So currently my ritual is
1. ask them to pick a subject , love, relationship,(especially essential for one card)
2. ask them to a deck by the colur of the bag
3. ask them to hold the deck in the open hands and ask this ,, “please great spirit bless the cards,, give us guidance, and look after my loved one,, and thank you “ or god
4. i ask pretty well name, age
5. i sometimes reground myself or reactive my light body centres sometimes when shuffling,,
6. then i start shuffling and ask for guidance for the person,please great spirit,, guides help me give this person a good reading, give them peace..
7. the impression start comings usually at this point..
8. i stop shuffling making sure i got it and do my ritual of dividing up the cards and putting them back together with my left and get the soul message,, which i read last,, and repeat the process for the one card.
9. Share my impression before I read the card ,, talk a bit,, and get started with the card.
10. If they decided more then one card,, i am usual y shuffling the deck of a thousand spreads while they are doing the prayer with the cards. And put them aside first after getting them ready and then do the cards.
11. I ask for each card,, if it makes sense,, to them. Not if it is right or wrong, but if it makes sense so i don't have to get a confession of yes or no..
12. before the soul message is turned over i asked if there is any questions about any of the cards we talked about.
13. Turn over the soul message which usually is profound.
14. Ask if the reading was good . And usually they said yes,, and i said i am here next year (or tomorrow ) and that was it.
The ritual has evolved over time but it works for me :)
15. i forgot to mention for more then one card spread when i flipped over the deck of a thousand spreads,, i talk about briefly about the position itself like once when past life came up i asked if they knew about past lives and the idea and despite being young,, they said yes so it was easier to go there..
16. then I put the card over the position and that helps me though I do the reading one card at a time rather then as whole spread..


It is interesting to read about people's specific approaches to doing readings for others--thanks!


Holmes, thank you for sharing your stories and your process! I've never been a fan of letting the sitter shuffle the deck or pick the cards (unless I know for a fact that they are open and are prone to trusting and connecting with their intuition) - but I am reconsidering now after reading your process.

I think that now I might have my sitter hold the deck to get some of their energy on the cards that way.


I always enjoy hearing about your annual read Holmes. Thank you for sharing

I'd rather do one card readings all day long than a 10 card reading.
I have to really pull to get all the nuances of the card and focus on the sitter, not just ramble my eye across a pile of cards and tell a picture story. :)