Snakes auspicious


I am considering buying a block of land and every time i have been there to view it we have come across a black snake - it will slither off to the right into the longer grass. Yesterday on the same block of land however in a different area we came across another black snake and this one was also to the right of us but did not move.

I have heard that snakes can be auspicious (sp?) and that seeing them is a good thing. Although I am not fimiliar with omens and there meanings.

I feel I cannot ignore this sighting of a snake everytime we go there. I feel there is a message but am not sure of what it could be?


Snakes often symbolise wisdom, the sort of Universal truth kind, hence the snake in the Garden of Eden. The snake winding up the Caduceus is another symbol of wisdom and the tree of life (which spans all worlds or consciousnesses) so apart from the Christian demonising of the snake, prior to that it was considered to be a healing and wisdom related message.

The colour black has many connotations ranging from protective to negative so all the other aspects of where you saw the snake will possibly have meaning such as time of day, weather, where you saw the snake, was it to you left or right etc etc. :)


Thanks Milfoil.. I saw a black snake 4 times all up now, all were very warm or humid days and they were sunning themselves and absorbing the heat. The first three slithered off very quickly to the right of us whilst we were walking on the path and the final snake didnt move but was absorbing the rays of the sun as well. He just watched us as we walked on by, or should I say I ran lol! It was also to the right of us.

normally I am not bothered by snakes, I know that we have them here where I live now and I have seen a couple over the years. They dont seem to bother me but for some reason I can't help feeling that the snakes I am seeing on this new plot of land has a meaning or message behind it.


What Milfoil says is true, and also snakes can be a sign of transformation along with healing.