some questions


we know that the decanates is based on the sun as it goes through the signs, further divided up by the ancient planets .
my question is can one apply the moon signs to the decanates.?
i recall that those who follow the moon instead of the sun have 13 moon zodiac something (i can't find any information on it right now ,, perhaps i am not looking at the right place)
(the reason why i ask is , without astrology knowledge is it even possible to try to apply it to tarot ?, if not moon signs,, moon phrases perhaps ?i wonder for whatever comes in the future must come from the basics of the now )

it is generally understood that the moderns planets are collective influences as opposed to personal influences.
my question is , what would happen if all the 3 modern planets ended up in the same sign, or moved into a new sign (not the same sign ) in the same year..
as it goes 7 years for urnaus, 14 for neptune, and 15 to 30 for pluto (it is hard to tell because of pluto irregular orbit )
at some point they must all influence the earth in one year span as they are all making a big change .

what in speculation could happen ? for the collective energy of the whole world would be in chaos (perhaps that is when the dark ages started in our history ?)

so by this collective idea..
all people in a 7 year span would have uranus in the same house , 14 year span neptune in a same house, as well as pluto with its hard to predict pattern. yes ?

there is supposed to be a planet x out there ,, a ten planet of our solar system, (debate rage over if it really exists or not, )
and if so ,, would that become the page, princess card ?
and with the logical 12 left over court cards..
they would become 12 houses, or 12 signs for those with us with systemic crazy ideas,
or would it knock everything under whack ?

since this mythic planet is supposed to be right in between solar system ,, does it become a qabbalah path instead ? sort of a marker for aliens when they fly between solars system ?
(this idea here might be silly but i was just going on a thinking imaginative brainstorming)


ah the 13 moon calender,

here it says there is 13 28 cycles, and one day out of time.

1. does that one day symbolize the end of the year,or half way , or beginning ?

2. with 13 28 cycles,, we could in theory get the 13 cards of the minor suits with the one day out of time being the prince ?

with gold dawn knowledge , i must believe ,, that they put a system for moon calender somewhere in there .. if we but look deeper.


Wow Holmes - so many questions.

Let's try to take them one at a time.

Firstly on the Moon. Yes there are 'Mansions of the Moon' - 28 segments of the 12 sign Zodiac which correspond to the daily mean motion of the Moon, each one corresponds to about 12 degrees 51 minutes.

You can find out more about these at:


and even

The Moon Oracle deck by Caroline Smith and John Astrop attempts to incorporate these into card reading - though this is of course an oracle deck not a Tarot deck.

The lunar month and the solar month do not coincide (the lunar month being taken as the period between two Full Moons or two New Moons - some 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes) and those societies who use a lunar calendar have to add a thirteenth interlalary month every so often to bring the calendar back in line with the seasons. The twelve sign Zodiac is clear evidence of a calendar based on the Sun's movements. It's quite possible to have a different 'zodiac' and Astrology definitely predates the 12 sign zodiac.