Soul Gathering~May 8 - 14 ~ MoonLite & Mooncat


Hi MoonLite,

Just opening our thread......looking forward to our time together. Quite a challenge, this week's theme.

I have thought up a spread which you can use for me if you like it. I don't have any interest in the 'romantic' soulmate ( been married to mine for over 30 years..:D ) but I do believe I have one or two around at present......the difficult kind that challenge you to learn a life lesson so would enjoy hearing what you come up with. A 5 card spread and these are the position meanings.

1. Who is the soulmate making the greatest impact on my life at present?

2. What is this soulmate teaching me?

3. What am I teaching him/her?

4. What will help me learn this lesson?

5. Final advice

If you would rather something else then please say. I could also use this for your reading unless you have your own questions you'd like to ask.

I think my greatest problem is a bit like yours.....I don't have many oracles and those I have I am dubious about their suitability.....guess we'll work something out. I have

Druid Animal Oracle
Goddess Oracle
Faces of Womanspirit
Wisdom of the Four Winds

I also have the Faeries but would prefer not to use them as I participate in the Faeries Circle. My Sabian Symbols book might arrive in time also. If any of these appeal to you feel free to choose.


Hi Mooncat, :)
Thank you for opening this thread, it's lovely to come and join you here. Yes, this one is definitely going to be a challenge. But even as a newbie, will try my best not to let that flounder me and do my very best to see what comes up for you. :)

Well, I do like your idea of spread here, so will see if I can use for you in my reading. By all means I am happy for you to use for me too. :D Like you, I do believe that I'm already with my "soul-mate" romance wise - but like you, there are a few people who are coming into my life at the moment, so I think is rather more than coincidence.

Just reading the names of the decks you have, they all sound lovely. :) I'm not familiar with any of them, so I really don't mind which one you try doing this reading from. Perhaps go with whatever feels right at the time, if you want to. I will enjoy hearing whatever comes up, as theirs always a lesson to be learned in their somewhere. :D

As to my own decks, I mentioned to you that I have 3 of Doreen Virtue's decks:

Healing with the Angels
Healing with the Fairies
Magical Mermaids and Dolphins

In the midst of writing this, I actually landed up playing around with all these spreads earlier and had fun trying out your spread on myself. Was quite funny, as all of them were saying similar things, which I found interesting. I have in the past sometimes mixed decks if I've felt that greater clarification is needed on a situations. All of these seem to compliment one another, which I guess is what they were designed to do! So I don't know if there's one you fancy in particular - obviously feel free to choose if you do. :)

If we don't get clarification with one deck, I can always try adding one of the others to the reading too. It is all good practise for me, whatever happens here. I guess only time will tell if our cards will answer our questions we ask of them. I can see this is going to prove very interesting, but also I think my biggest challenge to date!! Saying that I love challenges, so will look forward to seeing what comes up. :D



Follow your choose which deck or decks you want to use.

No need to rush.....I may be a few days until I can post. This spread would be easy with a tarot deck but faced with an assortment of goddesses and animals I'm not sure how to start. :D


No problem Mooncat. :)

Will go with what feels right at the time. :D

Yes, agree that even though I was playing around yesterday, it was actually quite hard to try place the cards in relation to some of the questions and although each deck was saying similar things, I don't feel directly answered all the questions. :(

Will try and do for you over the next few days - hopefully, we'll both get some inspiration from somewhere. :)


Mooncat's Reading

Hi Mooncat,
Right, I did a reading on Friday evening - Magical Mermaids and Dolphins seemed to be calling me for this one. Hmm, was all a bit weird as on first glance I thought, hang on this sounds like these messages are for me! So what I did was try again last night - again the same deck was calling and was interesting but similar messages seemed to being sent here again. So I'm hoping that meant that both readings were meant for you... and not just me! :D

As you will see here, each card have a few significant words, then a little quotation message. I've not worked with this deck so much, but they are very similar to the other two that I have - so have a very similar feel to them. Well, I tried to go with what I felt from these cards, once I got going it didn't seem so difficult, so I hope that there's something here that makes sense to you.


Q1. Who is the soul mate making the greatest impact on Mooncat’s life at present?

MUSIC FOR MANIFESTING – “To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music.”

This card was perhaps the hardest to place, but made me wonder if there was someone around you at the moment with a great love of music? Perhaps they are musical themselves, or may simply be passing on their love of music to you. When we bring music into our lives, it helps lift our emotions and thoughts to higher levels, helps protect us from negativity and ultimately helps to bring us greater happiness. There’s clearly a message here, to play music to suit your mood… sing, dance, whatever feels appropriate. Just reading the message on this card, we can see that music can also be used to help manifest our dreams and desires. Just think of what it is you want or desire, imagine that situation as already being a reality – then enjoy the contented feeling that this reality brings by humming, singing or whatever. This is meant to then send the message to higher realms – where hopefully it will then in time come back as a reality! Haven’t tried myself with singing… but seems the sending out messages does work – so hopefully there’s someone up there listening. :)


Q2. What is this soul mate teaching Mooncat?

EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS – “It’s time to look at other possibilities. It’s a good time to make changes.”

This card usually signifies that there’s something in your life, which you would like to change – but you can’t see any way of doing that, so just go along with the view that “it has to be like that”. It’s almost like a horse wearing blinkers - you can only see from one perspective and are unable to view this from a different view point. I feel here that someone is encouraging you to look at ways you can change this – not sure why, but I keep thinking “time management” there, sort of finding more time for yourself – so don’t know if that’s got any bearing? But above all, know that situations are not set in stone – sometimes it takes others to point out things to us for us to see things from a different perspective. This card suggests that it’s a good time to make changes in your life – I feel here you should listen to advice being offered to you and explore ways in which you can implement these changes in your life.


Q3. What am I teaching him/her?

PAY ATTENTION – “Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information.”

This card suggests that you are teaching this person, to be much more intuitive, to pay attention to their thoughts, so they don’t pass them off as just being figments of their imagination. It almost feels here that you are acting as a mentor/teacher here to someone – perhaps this is someone still at the beginning of their spiritual journey. But the feelings I get is that you are teaching them to watch for subtle signs of guidance that will help them manifest their dreams and desires, or help heal situations that are troubling them.


Q4. What will help Mooncat learn this lesson?

BREAK FREE – “Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.”

I feel this card further emphasises the “Explore your Options” – break free from familiarity and that stuck in a rut feeling. Don’t be afraid to go out and try new things. I feel here that you love adventure and trying new things, but that there’s a tendency sometimes to let other things get in the way, or feel that you have to stay within your comfort zone. Of course, ultimately this stops you from broadening your horizons – so whatever this is, make sure you do it to bring you more self-fulfilment.


Q5. Final advice.

YES – “Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.”

This card quite obviously signifies that there’s something that you’ve been pondering and thinking about rather a lot recently. You have the answers and are pretty sure about your next move, but perhaps feeling a little reluctant by your fears of making changes. This card signifies that your intuition and feelings are right – think you just needed validation of this to kick you into action – “get the ball rolling”, so to speak.


~ MoonLite ~


Hi MoonLite,

Today I begin again! Yesterday although I wasn’t able to post I sat with a pad while watching the children, thinking to get your reading in order and ready to go. As I came to the last card I had one of those wonderful aha! moments and suddenly saw exactly what the cards were saying..........I hope you agree. :)

So here we go!

1. Who is the soulmate making the greatest impact on your life at present.

Ti Kauka - Cabbage Tree

Do you know what a cabbage tree is.....think of a palm, the long trunk with the spiky flaxlike leaves at the top!

Cabbage tree is a survivor.....embodies beauty and strength, yet the strength is not obviously physical. It is a strength learned from bending to the storm rather than fighting it......gentleness is Cabbage Tree’s keyword. Ti Kauka is a feminine energy, of women , nurturing and family and community. She brings change through growth.

Te Kauka sings
I am the learning tree
That answers your inner need

Cabbage Tree took me down the wrong path for a start. It seemed obvious that this soulmate must be a woman, perhaps of your family, a mother , aunt or grandmother. I was to change my mind.

2. What is your soulmate teaching you.
Tohora - Whale

Through time lost to time Tohora has journeyed from their breeding grounds in tropical seas to the feeding grounds in the icy oceans of the Arctic and Antarctic following the ocean currents that sweep around the planet and then returning.

The keyword for Whale is Attunement and both he and Cabbage Tree are of the North, the air , the mind. You come together through a mental attunement, like minds meeting but what you are learning is of the ocean, the deep hidden waters of the inner world, emotions and feelings, intuition and spirituality.
You are learning to trust the song of Tohora, the inner voice guiding you forward.
It is a journey into the unknown but with this companion you are safe for only Whale knows the safe route through the dangerous places.
Danger creates fear and the voyage you are on is one that will bring you face to face with your own fears. Challenging you to face the shadows in your mind, bring them into the open and release them.
You are learning to go beyond the picture you have of yourself in your mind and find the source of another and different part of yourself. You are creating balance.

So who is Ti Kauka.......the soulmate who is teaching you so much.
I believe it is not a single person but many. I believe that Cabbage Tree represents our community here at Aeclectic. Just as Cabbage tree’s nectar feeds the birds so we are attracted through the air to her nurturing arms, learning and growing together.
Over time here there have been many discussions and even past life readings seeking answers to the possibility of soul groups and how they are brought together in this lifetime. From the moment I laid these cards I had one word running through my mind........separation. I knew it was important but it took a while to work out.

Tohora sings
Remember that All are One

3. What you are teaching your soulmate.

Kapowai - Dragonfly

Four beautiful wings ......from the four corners of the earth comes Dragonfly for they are universal travellers and are found all over the world. They are many yet each is unique, an individual. Each one’s wings mirror the light of the sky above, the flash of the water below and sparkle with the brilliance of the rainbow.

Kapowai says I am of the Magic

You are of the Magic.
You are unique.
You are one of many yet like all of us you follow your individual path and have your own dreams, needs and talents.
Dragonflies, when mating fly in tandem, hovering and soaring in a dance of creation. Each time you give and receive a reading, participate in a discussion, offer a gift of your Magic you are dancing. For this reading you and I are ‘soulmates’......sharing our magic with each other , nurturing our growth, teaching each other.

I fly the joy of ancient things
To hold the rainbow in my wings

4. What will help you learn this lesson.

Aniwaniwa - Rainbow

Rainbow is Hope.
Rainbow is Light.
Rainbow is a bridge.

A rainbow is formed by millions of tiny droplets of water which catch the light of the Sun.

What will help you learn is to recognise the rainbow in your wings and see your place as one small droplet of colour in a rainbow............a bridge of lightworkers that spans the world.
You will learn much here . Your intuitive gifts will grow and you will learn to honour them and yourself, gain confidence in using them to help others. The readings you receive will help you heal your own wounds . You will learn the joy of a place where companions share your highest ideals and hopes for the world and its future.....for it to be a place where peace and love reign supreme.

5. Final advice

Kiore - Rat

Kiore is a rat unique to Polynesia and was seen as a great teacher.
He is communal in every way........sharing is his keyword and sharing is the essence of his existence.

Like Kiore, like each of us, your external vision is limited to a small world but those of us who gather here share Kiore’s other gift........the gift of inner vision. We come here to nurture that gift for it’s one that’s neglected in our mind orientated world.
Everyone you meet here has something to gift to have something to gift to everyone in return. All have a place in your journey as you have a place in theirs.
Kiore asks that we put aside thoughts of they fears, prejudices, needs honour that which is best for all.
Kiore says not to be afraid to reach out, to feel and share.

Song of Kiore
Be of one heart
And one true purpose
Love yourself
That you might love others
Stand tall to honour
Your sisters and brothers

The Oracle has spoken!

Moonlite......reading for you has been a pleasure. In the last few days I have journeyed too and discovered in this oracle a song of great beauty. I must no longer neglect it. I make no apologies for the fact that interspersed with my interpretations are many quotes from the book. There is great beauty in the simplicity of the words that Barry Brailsford writes and I think they deserve to be heard.
I hope you enjoy it. :).......and now I shall go and read mine.



Thank you Mooncat

Hi Mooncat,
Wow, what a read... this deck just seems so talkative and saying some lovely things, so I really enjoyed reading this along with all the quotations. :D Aw, they were lovely to see, so thank you for including them. :)

Hee, hee... I hope that my decks in the future will talk to me, like they do to you. I got to stop being so impatient, just keep practising and hopefully in time will be able to get more from my reading. So thank you for allowing yourself to be a guinea pig. :) Aw, just reading through your reading is just so inspirational... most certainly gives me the encouragement to keep going at this. :D

Right, now to get my feedback head on and get scribbling to you... think there's so much within this reading - so I look forward to going through for you. :D

Be back shortly!! :)

Love MoonLite


Feedback for Mooncat

Hi Mooncat,
Well, as mentioned earlier, I found this such a lovely reading and the more I read, the more that I could see the messages that you and this deck were telling me. :) You will see that there is lots here that I can relate to - truly a super reading and so beautifully written!! :D I do hope that some day, I will be able to write up my readings like you do. :) I totally agree with you that this deck is very inspiring and has lots to offer. I hope you using for me here, will give you the inspiration to do further readings with it.

So here comes the feedback... hee, hee - hope I don't send you to sleep here! :D

1. Who is the soulmate making the greatest impact on your life at present.

Ti Kauka - Cabbage Tree

Do you know what a cabbage tree is.....think of a palm, the long trunk with the spiky flaxlike leaves at the top!

Cabbage tree is a survivor.....embodies beauty and strength, yet the strength is not obviously physical. It is a strength learned from bending to the storm rather than fighting it......gentleness is Cabbage Tree’s keyword. Ti Kauka is a feminine energy, of women , nurturing and family and community. She brings change through growth.

Te Kauka sings
I am the learning tree
That answers your inner need

Cabbage Tree took me down the wrong path for a start. It seemed obvious that this soulmate must be a woman, perhaps of your family, a mother , aunt or grandmother. I was to change my mind.
Hee, hee - I actually found this bit quite funny, because although you thought that Cabbage Tree took you down the wrong path - I'm not sure totally that she did!! ;) You know, I did wonder here if she could have been hinting here at my spiritual family around me! Hmm, I guess they could still be classified as my soul mates too? Don't know what you feel about that. I know sounds mad to some, but I do appear to have a great-aunt, great-grandmother and my own granny, that are all in spirit - but within the last year, I have been noticing them around me. I still find this pretty amazing when I've not really been aware of things like this all my life - but I do sense that they are helping me grow and learn... between them, they seem to ensure that I remain calm in times of annoyance.

Actually, if I think more here - there's also a lady that I've got to know through the internet. She too is very spiritual, like me is also learning to read oracles and had been teaching me loads. :) She too is really helping me in my growth and teaching me to look at my life in a very different light. So again, this would be the feminine energy that you describe who has been helping me. She's also been helping me with family issues - so again, that would make lots of sense there. :)

2. What is your soulmate teaching you.
Tohora - Whale

Through time lost to time Tohora has journeyed from their breeding grounds in tropical seas to the feeding grounds in the icy oceans of the Arctic and Antarctic following the ocean currents that sweep around the planet and then returning.

The keyword for Whale is Attunement and both he and Cabbage Tree are of the North, the air , the mind. You come together through a mental attunement, like minds meeting but what you are learning is of the ocean, the deep hidden waters of the inner world, emotions and feelings, intuition and spirituality.
You are learning to trust the song of Tohora, the inner voice guiding you forward.
It is a journey into the unknown but with this companion you are safe for only Whale knows the safe route through the dangerous places.
Danger creates fear and the voyage you are on is one that will bring you face to face with your own fears. Challenging you to face the shadows in your mind, bring them into the open and release them.
You are learning to go beyond the picture you have of yourself in your mind and find the source of another and different part of yourself. You are creating balance.

So who is Ti Kauka.......the soulmate who is teaching you so much.
I believe it is not a single person but many. I believe that Cabbage Tree represents our community here at Aeclectic. Just as Cabbage tree’s nectar feeds the birds so we are attracted through the air to her nurturing arms, learning and growing together.
Over time here there have been many discussions and even past life readings seeking answers to the possibility of soul groups and how they are brought together in this lifetime. From the moment I laid these cards I had one word running through my mind........separation. I knew it was important but it took a while to work out.

Tohora sings
Remember that All are One
Again, this is very interesting - mental attunement could well relate to me learning to understand and work with clairaudience that has developed within the last year, something that I still find almost unbelievable - but on the other hand, quite amazing. Obviously this is very spiritual and has been teaching me so much about myself, my emotions and feelings, along with following the inner voice that has been guiding me. Very much, this has been a journey into the unknown and until earlier last year, quite simply would have terrified me. :( But this journey has helped me to overcome my fears and see everything from a totally new perspective.

Well, I definitely agree that there is more than one soul mate teaching me at the moment. It's funny, because I actually got friendly with the lady above that I mentioned helping me, after she saw a post somewhere that I'd written about Spirit Guides. So again, I do feel that we were brought together in this lifetime for a reason. :) Tohara singing "Remember that All are One" makes perfect sense to me - I guess, I see as the connection between the phsyical and spiritual planes of existence. I do see as us all being One, sort of a hierarchy between the Divine and myself. Difficult to describe there - but I can see why Tohora was singing that little message. :D

3. What you are teaching your soulmate.

Kapowai - Dragonfly

Four beautiful wings ......from the four corners of the earth comes Dragonfly for they are universal travellers and are found all over the world. They are many yet each is unique, an individual. Each one’s wings mirror the light of the sky above, the flash of the water below and sparkle with the brilliance of the rainbow.

Kapowai says I am of the Magic

You are of the Magic.
You are unique.
You are one of many yet like all of us you follow your individual path and have your own dreams, needs and talents.
Dragonflies, when mating fly in tandem, hovering and soaring in a dance of creation. Each time you give and receive a reading, participate in a discussion, offer a gift of your Magic you are dancing. For this reading you and I are ‘soulmates’......sharing our magic with each other , nurturing our growth, teaching each other.

I fly the joy of ancient things
To hold the rainbow in my wings
Aw, thought this was lovely and yes, so true that in reading for one another, we are sharing in the Magic that has been revealed to us. Even as a beginner here, I try so much to share the knowledge that I have gleamed. I can't thank enough those who have helped me in the past, just do my best to pass on what others have taught me. :) But yes, I can certainly see here that each time we share, we are helping one another to grow, and teaching each other new things.

4. What will help you learn this lesson.

Aniwaniwa - Rainbow

Rainbow is Hope.
Rainbow is Light.
Rainbow is a bridge.

A rainbow is formed by millions of tiny droplets of water which catch the light of the Sun.

What will help you learn is to recognise the rainbow in your wings and see your place as one small droplet of colour in a rainbow............a bridge of lightworkers that spans the world.
You will learn much here . Your intuitive gifts will grow and you will learn to honour them and yourself, gain confidence in using them to help others. The readings you receive will help you heal your own wounds . You will learn the joy of a place where companions share your highest ideals and hopes for the world and its future.....for it to be a place where peace and love reign supreme.
Aw, this is lovely too and I totally agree that the Rainbow would be the lightworkers that span the world and feel very honoured to be part of this. Certainly, I am learning to honor my gifts... I have used - but yes, do need to build on my confidence, as I know I still question myself too much and have yet to really believe in myself!!! So most definitely I need to hone and develop those skills... something I know will develop in time. You know, even trying to read for myself, I've found that it has highlighted wounds that I need to heal - so that makes perfect sense there that others reading for me, will help me to do that too. :)

5. Final advice

Kiore - Rat

Kiore is a rat unique to Polynesia and was seen as a great teacher.
He is communal in every way........sharing is his keyword and sharing is the essence of his existence.

Like Kiore, like each of us, your external vision is limited to a small world but those of us who gather here share Kiore’s other gift........the gift of inner vision. We come here to nurture that gift for it’s one that’s neglected in our mind orientated world.
Everyone you meet here has something to gift to have something to gift to everyone in return. All have a place in your journey as you have a place in theirs.
Kiore asks that we put aside thoughts of they fears, prejudices, needs honour that which is best for all.
Kiore says not to be afraid to reach out, to feel and share.

Song of Kiore
Be of one heart
And one true purpose
Love yourself
That you might love others
Stand tall to honour
Your sisters and brothers
I can see very much that Kiore is talking about sharing. Again, I think further empahises to overcome my own fears, isn't it and not be afraid to share. That is something that I am definitely trying to work with at the moment. :) Yippee... just joining this site and trying to participate in the exchange readings is certainly one big step forward here. :D I've also been making a big effort to join in with other things too, so that I can also hopefully hone and develop my mediumship skills. Still very much at the beginning of my spiritual journey... I know that I have lots to learn - but I'm definitely breaking down the barriers and making a positive step forward that will enable me to become more confident in sharing. I know I can't always be right... but Kiore is right, that I mustn't be afraid to try and share with others what I do gleam. :) So I will most definitely keep working hard to progress in my studies. :D

Many, many thanks again Mooncat, it really was such a pleasure to receive this. Hee, hee - in time, I think I will have to go in search of some more talkative decks... but I do love this one, so think I will be adding to my wish list! :D But keep up the great work with this deck won't you... I know there will be many others who will be inspired by this deck in the future! ;)

Love MoonLite


Hi MoonLite,

First of all I thank you for a lovely reading........I have tried in vain to find pictures of your deck but you couldn't have chosen better for a true Piscean than mermaids and dolphins.

This feedback is going to be a little difficult not worry, its not the reading, its understanding it that is the problem. It all ties in with a series of readings I've had over the last few months . I will do the best I can.

Q1. Who is the soul mate making the greatest impact on Mooncat’s life at present?

MUSIC FOR MANIFESTING – “To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music.”

This card was perhaps the hardest to place, but made me wonder if there was someone around you at the moment with a great love of music? Perhaps they are musical themselves, or may simply be passing on their love of music to you. When we bring music into our lives, it helps lift our emotions and thoughts to higher levels, helps protect us from negativity and ultimately helps to bring us greater happiness. There’s clearly a message here, to play music to suit your mood… sing, dance, whatever feels appropriate. Just reading the message on this card, we can see that music can also be used to help manifest our dreams and desires. Just think of what it is you want or desire, imagine that situation as already being a reality – then enjoy the contented feeling that this reality brings by humming, singing or whatever. This is meant to then send the message to higher realms – where hopefully it will then in time come back as a reality! Haven’t tried myself with singing… but seems the sending out messages does work – so hopefully there’s someone up there listening.
I had a couple of candidates for this position and thought you would pick up on one of them. The other option was that I would perhaps gain some more information on what I have feeling lately and this appears to be the case. Apart from my everyday family life AT , tarot and spiritual development is my had to be one or the other.
There is simply no one in my life that I would describe as having 'a great love of music'.
So who is this? I was very glad to read your PM for you're going to be receptive to my theory. I think this soulmate is a spirit guide. For months now in my readings and even just my feelings there has been the sense that someone is trying to get through. Its very frustrating.......I keep asking what I should do to help but not making much headway. Neither was he much help....he chose to appear my readings as the King Pentacles of all people . I keep asking myself 'What is it I'm supposed to be manifesting" and now here he seems to be the way forward. Does this sound seems to be a clear message to me.
Q2. What is this soul mate teaching Mooncat?

EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS – “It’s time to look at other possibilities. It’s a good time to make changes.”

This card usually signifies that there’s something in your life, which you would like to change – but you can’t see any way of doing that, so just go along with the view that “it has to be like that”. It’s almost like a horse wearing blinkers - you can only see from one perspective and are unable to view this from a different view point. I feel here that someone is encouraging you to look at ways you can change this – not sure why, but I keep thinking “time management” there, sort of finding more time for yourself – so don’t know if that’s got any bearing? But above all, know that situations are not set in stone – sometimes it takes others to point out things to us for us to see things from a different perspective. This card suggests that it’s a good time to make changes in your life – I feel here you should listen to advice being offered to you and explore ways in which you can implement these changes in your life.
Time! yes .....over and over I get this one. It wasn't until last week's circle reading that I realised the meaning. I always saw it as finding time for myself and sometimes it isn't easy but I do have days when there is time. I think its more to do with the way in which I use the time.......I feel I'm being asked to spend a little less here and a little more in silence and meditation.....creating a space where I am open to receiving.
Change...well, there's nothing like tarot readings to show one another perspective and so often we don't really listen and absorb and take action on the advice.
Q3. What am I teaching him/her?
PAY ATTENTION – “Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information.”

This card suggests that you are teaching this person, to be much more intuitive, to pay attention to their thoughts, so they don’t pass them off as just being figments of their imagination. It almost feels here that you are acting as a mentor/teacher here to someone – perhaps this is someone still at the beginning of their spiritual journey. But the feelings I get is that you are teaching them to watch for subtle signs of guidance that will help them manifest their dreams and desires, or help heal situations that are troubling them.
This is the tricky seems perfect as to what I should be learning But does one teach spirit guides? It seems doubtful.
Maybe he is new to the job :D and was given me as a challenge. I'm teaching him to pay more attention to how he tries to get his messages!
Q4. What will help Mooncat learn this lesson?

BREAK FREE – “Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.”

I feel this card further emphasises the “Explore your Options” – break free from familiarity and that stuck in a rut feeling. Don’t be afraid to go out and try new things. I feel here that you love adventure and trying new things, but that there’s a tendency sometimes to let other things get in the way, or feel that you have to stay within your comfort zone. Of course, ultimately this stops you from broadening your horizons – so whatever this is, make sure you do it to bring you more self-fulfilment.
I'm very good at staying tucked up in my comfort zone....even in my tarot readings.......and I've been feeling very stuck there for a while. At the same time has been this feeling of something coming, of being on the verge of some sort of breakthrough.
Moving into the oracles was a way of breaking out of that narrow zone as is the new interest in the Sabian Symbols ......I have more to say about them but it goes with feedback to your feedback :D
Q5. Final advice.

YES – “Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.”

This card quite obviously signifies that there’s something that you’ve been pondering and thinking about rather a lot recently. You have the answers and are pretty sure about your next move, but perhaps feeling a little reluctant by your fears of making changes. This card signifies that your intuition and feelings are right – think you just needed validation of this to kick you into action – “get the ball rolling”, so to speak.
Now this I like!!! I don't really have the answers nor am I sure what to do but at least its saying what I feel is right and I can trust my intuition to guide me.

MoonLite, I don't think you need worry too much about being a obviously have a gift so have confidence in it. Flowery words and phrases aren't really necessary is the message that is important. Despite your compliments most of the time I struggle with words and getting what I feel on to the page and tend to have a fairly simple style. The Oracle seemed to release a more poetic me :D. Certainly a very beautiful really made me smile when I first read mine....the music. Barry Brailsford, the creator of the deck has written books.....many of them are' Song of the ...'
The spreads he gives in the card book are all "song of....." The cards sing their own songs.
Perhaps this deck is a part of your soulmate message.....a part of progress forward. It seemed such a coincidence.

Many thanks for your wonderful feedback.......I have some more to add but that will have to wait until tomorrow and I will probably just PM.
There are similarities in the readings......this often happens in the COS......the right partner at the right time. At least we can rest assured that neither of us will think the other mad.

A lovely exchange which I have really enjoyed awesome challenge for you with such a complex subject and one you met so well ......riding the Whale :). I hope you continue to enjoy all the circles.....they're a great way to practice and share in an encouraging environment.

Thank you again.



Hi Mooncat,
Firstly will post you some links so you that you can see some pictures of Doreen Virtue's "Magical Mermaids & Dolphins" deck:

Enchanted Journeys
Divination with Cards

The only thing I would say about them, is that I think Doreen should have stayed with just putting "keywords" on the cards, like with the Healings with the Angels and Fairies decks that I also have. Obviously the keywords are helpful for learning and perhaps good for beginners like me - the little message nice, but wonder if some of them give a little to much away. Saying that I guess with practise and as you get to know any cards more - you then begin to read far beyond what may be written on them or anything that might be suggested in a book. The key here I guess, is not to become wrapped up in simply the message on the card and go with what you feel is right... which ultimately is how we should learn to read.

Well, as a piscean - they were rather appropriate weren't they, so undoubtably why they were calling to me here! :D Aw, so pleased that you could relate - I know that I shouldn't keep doubting myself, but again it would be because I still haven't done that many readings for others, so having the pleasure of being able to read for you has given me another confidence boost! :)

It's quite uncanny isn't it that we both had our spiritual families/Guides coming through. We were definitely matched well here, the fact that we are both receptive to that. :) Very interesting though that this tied in with some other readings that you've had. But I know the frustrations of having new Guides coming through - I've felt that recently too. But yes, I'd agree that it would certainly seem feasible that the "Music for manifesting" card was making a suggestion there, doesn't it - so I hope it works for you. :)

Hmm, card 3 was definitely a tricky one, as it would make more sense if it was relating to you. Like you though, I would agree that it's perhaps very unlikely that we teach Spirit Guides very much, if at all. But I did have a little giggle there that your guide might be quite new and given to you as a challenge and also the prospect of you having to teach him how to get through to you!! :D Hmm, that's not normally the way is it! Perhaps he needs to try other ways, but needs to be told to do that?!

Well, despite the inital panic attacks (not literally) LOL, I too have really enjoyed doing this. Yes, was definitely a challenge, but you thinking up the spread was really helpful. Think my own Tarot studies will help me to develop spreads of my own - having only been learning for a couple of weeks now, of course that is something that I'm not used to doing. So already you've taught me to be more creative in preparation for a reading. :)

Thank you so much for all your encouragement and for your lovely reading again. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. I will most definitely keep participating in the circles here - having fun in the Beginner's Tarot one too, so hopefully week by week, my confidence will grow. :D

Hugs and much love