Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Three


Sophie's Crime

November 4, 2006

As Sophie I am working in an office building and have met a new man in my life, a new Beloved. We are in the early phase of relationship, and there is a passionate excitement and nervous energy. At times the dream ego switches to my new lover to examine the male perspective, where similar although subtly different feelings are felt.

But a detective arrives on the scene, and he accuses me of having murdered my former husband. His interest is keen in an unpleasant way that seems more than professional. The dream ego switches to the detective at one point and indeed he is possessive and lustful. I take him back to my former residence and my divorced husband is indeed alive and well, working on house repairs that seem futile and irrelevant. The house is rotten to the core and we both know that I will never live there again. His days will soon be over. If I am a murderer, it is only in the sense of having him left him to his inevitable decline and dissolution. The only crime is in the mind of the detective. The dream ends.

This is further confirmation that there has been an egoic death that culminated in the Reiki attunement of Friday evening. This dream occurs later during that same night that I was feeling disoriented and different, waking up several times as this new energy was processed. The old David is now irrelevant and fading, and in a sense Sophie is in part responsible for this death. I would suggest however that the divorce was unopposed and that the former ego gave up his life consciously and willingly.

Note that the name David is derived from the Jewish word for Beloved. When the dream language refers to Sophie's "new Beloved" it is in fact saying that Sophie has a "new David".

The detective seems to be a Scopionic figure, and rather a negative one at that. Since it is my natal Neptune that is in Scorpio, this could be seen as reflective of one aspect of society's collective unconscious that could be considered to be in fundamental opposition to Sophie's progression. Clearly there is an internal resonance in the personal shadow, who would seek to possess and control her, denying her destiny and mission. His accusations are proven false and he must have felt an embarassing loss of face and therefore of power over her.

During the second Reiki III initiation that occurred later that morning, Sophie appeared in a deep purple glow and we embraced. Then she turned to face the same way as myself and was reabsorbed into my body. We took this initiation together as we have all the others, but this last one was much more feminine in its energy.


The Photographer

November 8, 2006

An important female celebrity is arriving by plane, and I have come to the airport to meet her. I meet her as she comes through the glass exit doors, and find her very attractive. She has an air of executive power about her, but yet she is not snobby or unfriendly. She is an artist and photographer, perhaps a writer too. The photographer sees a large orange flower and takes her camera out to photograph it. She uses a long macro lens that is completely inserted into the bell of the flower. I know enough about cameras to realize that if she is taking such a close shot she will need a slow shutter speed, and therefore a tripod. I volunteer to use my body as this tripod, and she is grateful - and impressed. I offer to fetch my actual tripod since she doesn't seem to have hers with her - perhaps it is still packed. She is appreciative and she suggests that she will walk downtown while I go home to get it. We agree to meet at a particular time and place.

I drive home in the red Subaru and have no difficulty locating the tripod. The thought crosses my mind that she may be disappointed that it is far from professional, and likely I will have to adjust it for her since its a bit idiosyncratic. But I have a sense that she will not mind at all.

But on the way back I meet up with some distractions. First I see my father at the front of a large crowd outside a railway station and he appears to be stirring up trouble. No change there. Then I find myself visiting an elderly couple that I know and remarking on the woman's uncharacteristically amorous behaviour with her husband. Finally I realize that I have missed my appointment with the photographer and find she has left the place where we agreed to meet. Then something tells me that her curiosity will draw her to the large crowd that my father may be inciting to violence, and so I drive there. I am lucky to find a parking spot just beyond the crowd and I know that I will soon see her. The dream ends.

This dream seems to take up the theme of a newly transformed and empowered although unrecognizable Beloved meeting a new David. In the past I might have associated the photographer with Eirian, but with Sophie's recently clear manifestation at the Third Eye I am inclined to think this is her. Her executive air also reminds me of the imagery in the dream of "Sophie's Crime" described above. The fact that this celebrity arrives by plane also suggests Sophie's abortive attempts at flight during the previous month of dreaming. Clearly Sophie has now reached her destination.

The insertion of the long lens into the bell of the orange flower, the colour associated with the Sacral Chakra, is very suggestive of sexual intercourse. Any light provided to the camera would have to have been diffused through the petals - or emanating from the flower itself, a very intriguing image of the light that arises from within.

There is a consistent tripod imagery throughout this dream. It is the basis for the work at the Inner Eye, and may be thought of as the lowest three Chakras. Additionally, I am reminded of the Law of Thirds, that resolution to duality comes not through compromise between them, but a regenerated synthesis that arises from the relationship itself. This is in turn reflected in the first three Arcana, and in my statement of faith that reflects on these Arcana, "Form is made of but three things: energy, change, and love." Lastly, it can be seen that my creative practice in drumming, singing and writing are the three arts that support insight and perception.

I note that the dream ego also provides the motive power for Sophie's work of perception and insight - or at least that is the intent. Both my father's anger and the elderly couple that we both know can indeed be distractive influences if I choose to let them - perhaps reflecting on my initial reaction to the tale of woe that greeted me upon my return from the Reiki weekend yesterday evening. My father continues to represent my own shadow quite nicely.

It would seem that Sophie's progress is only minimally affected by these delays, for she makes her own way on foot to the train station, delayed in her ongoing journey just enough by my father's rants so that the dream ego is able to catch up with her. The dream ego is attempting to employ himself in devoted service towards her vision, certainly with some hope of reward. Insight and perception look for expression in my three creative arts.

The intended vehicle for this expression is the train. Rail travel is more focused and formal in nature than any other modes, suggesting creativity applied with great discipline.


Really bizzare dream last night. I had two or three dreams but this is the one I distinctly remember.

The nuts and bolts of it were that before going to sleep I had asked to learn something about myself, my path etc.

I found myself in a large house with lots of rooms. It was similar to a manor I used to visit as a child. I went to bed and I think hubby was beside me. Up onto the bed jumps a BIG cat, the size and shape of a puma or mountain lion but with dark spots and stripes like a Bobcat.


Edited to add: the cat looked much more like this snow lepoard

The cat is enormous and heavy, sitting on my chest and stomach so that I could not move. I am pretty frightened by this time. Then the most extraordinary thing happened.

I help the big cat to cut the legs (which still have the bones in) off the skin of another identical cat (either that or I am skinning one-in-the-same cat! ugh - I can't remember) to make into a circular boat like a coracle. The cat uses the legs as supports for the boat. Then when this is done I get out of bed and follow the big cat as he jumps off and trots out of the bedroom. In the next room and hallway I see many young children and I worry about them with the big cat but they are fine with it and it wanders in between them like a pet cat.

There is what looks like shards of glass in the big cats fur but I taste one (yes its a dream alright) and it is sweet like toffee. I say this but one little girl with her back to me (who I know to be a child who lives on our street but who has some serious mental problems and anger management issues) says "yeah, I was sick there before"!!! I know she is not telling the truth but I don't understand why she has said it.

I am confused about some parts of this dream. The skinning of a beautiful big cat to make a boat is odd and has shamanic undertones, perhaps this is another guide I didn't know about before?

The children - could be my eternal child coming to the surface?

Its oddly similar in some ways to this earlier dream which I posted here:




Stalled at the Top

That looks like a fascinating dream Milfoil! I would like to get back to it later, but I had better type up my one significant dream from last week while I remember, and have the energy.

November 16, 2006

I am driving the red Subaru up to the peak of a mountain, with Lynn as a passenger. This is a dirt road, and we are driving out of town towards Port Alberni. The road is covered in heavy snow, but we have absolutely no problem climbing to the top.

When we reach the crown of the hill, the summit, I see that as the road is bare of snow on its way down. But the surface looks alien, as if it were from another planet, or the Moon. To the right of the road is a sheer dropoff going down hundreds of metres. On the left there is a low rocky ridge that is still covered in snow. It appears that wind my have blown the snow clear on the descending road for a length of about 2 km, then the snow resumes.

I am quite nervous of travelling on this strange and alien surface, afraid that I might slip off and plunge into the abyss. I leave Lynn in the car and decide to climb the ridge on the left and then I enter a small snow filled valley or gulley and work my way down. I plan to cross the ridge about 2 km lower, where the snow resumes on the road itself.

But then I realize that this is a futile journey. Without the car it will take far too long to descend. At that moment Lynn calls down to me from the top of the gulley, suggesting the same thing. The dream ends.

I have had several dreams in which a mountain represents my own chakra system, and I notice that I actually referred to the peak of this mountain as the Crown when I was recounting this dream. Snow has been an ambivalent dream image for me, at times representing frozen emotion, but at other times imaging the crystallization of emotional energy into beautiful manifestation. But when seen at the peak of a mountain I believe I encountered yet a third imagery, that like the Crown Chakra the white purity of the snow denotes the descent of celestial light as it manifests within unitive consciousness. Indeed white is a common alternative to violet as a Crown Chakra symbol.

The ascent is relatively easy for Lynn and I - both Lynn the person and Lynn representing my inner feminine. This is our recent initiation into the uniquely masculine energy of Reiki III, the energy of the Sky God. The weekend was not so much a "mountain top spiritual experience" but a transforming energy that affected both of us deeply. It is not uncommon to encounter sickness or other physical symptoms following Reiki initiations, as the body purges toxins and adapts to a new operational level. Lynn experienced these symptoms in the previous week, but I believe that my consistent drumming had helped me begin to integrate this transformation without the physical symptoms.

However, late last week I discovered that I could no longer play my bodhrán on my hour round trip to and from work. It was too cold, and although I could play in a rather clumsy and detached manner with my gloves on (but the wool dampens the feedback from the drum into the hands, making for rather one way communication), the drum itself became way to slack and buzzy. After the second day of this I realized that I could permanently damage my bodhrán with this continuous exposure to 5 Celsius degrees or less and realized I had to give up my daily discipline. I could have tried to make it up by playing the drum more at home, but I found this all rather depressing and more or less gave up drumming completely for a few days.

The result of this was that the Reiki III energy was no longer being integrated in a healthy way, and I too succumbed to the same illness that Lynn had. Like the Subaru parked at the crown of the hill, we were both stalled at the top. Fear of going out of balance into the left brain - becoming overly cold and analytical, plunging of the cliff on the right into the depths of icy materialism - induced me to overcompensate into the fantasy of the right brain, climbing the ridge and descending into the hidden valley of misdirection.

The descent from the Crown into the realm of the Third Eye presented two unproductive alternatives if the central route over the alien soil were not followed. This balanced yet strangely Lunar path represents the guidance of the new and transformed Sophie, at last fully adapted to her domain within the Third Eye. Yet I do not recognize and trust her, just as I do not fully know my new self either.

I still feel disconnected from my body, and thus the bodily symptoms continue. Progess is being made, but I believe the descent down the alien road will be a slow process.


Hi David

It sounds like the universe is giving you a nudge to step back for a little while before continuing.

I often wonder what we do after we have climbed the mountain?

We reach the summit but then what? We can't live up there for ever, nobody can. The decent would, therefore, seem to be even more difficult in some ways than the struggle to climb.

Do we fly from here or do we keep our feet on the ground and live this life, knowing the trail, becoming a guide for those that follow?

Amazing dream David. I'm sorry you are under the weather right now but I'm quickly learning that everything is for a reason so don't worry.


David.. you have been on my mind a lot and I have been praying for you and your family. I thought it was the weather. Funny I do not even know you but knew something was wrong I suppose. Totally unexplainable. I am very happy you are alright and on line.


I fell asleep during the afternoon (yay!) and had the following dream:

I was the hostess at a party of around 10. They were all on the dinner table. Before that, I had spoken with one of the guests, and he had commented upon the fact that he didn't like certain type of foods including one called "stripes on the wall", and that he had a cooks hat with him. I told him I always wanted to have one of those. (In real life - we never met - but he's a Spiritual person and goes to Fairs as a consultant)

At the dinner party itself I was mortified to see that I did not have enough food for all the guests. Despite ordering 3 different type of dishes (Chinese Food) for each of the people and making some beans and extra peas as well. I also had made potatoes and rice.
My mother suggested I'd order in some more food, but I was so frantic, that instead I went to look into the fridge. There I saw some meat, called slachiks, it's meat on a stick.

I also noticed that some of my Guests where in the kitchen (Rita&this man), where they did not belong. And Rita had only eaten potatoes and rice.

The guests I noted where: This man, I never met, Rita my friend and cleaner, and one of my cousins and my mother. However, there were more people there.

Interpretation: This seemed to me to be a clear metaphorical dream. I think the hostess is respresentative of my pituary gland. He's supposed to go and make sure everybody gets enough and give order - but he's out of his depth. Especially because guests aren't where they belong - they are in the domain of the hostess - kitchen.
Although there should be enough - there isn't. I wondered if this was again a clear indication that although I *think* I get enough vitamins, I should get some more.
I also think it's strange that instead of the easy solution of outside interference, there is a choice for seeing what is already there, waiting, and trying to get something unfrozen. Something that isn't even correct with all the greenary/veggies that are needed.
My cousin was eating silently, she and her sister appear in my dreams a lot... I'm still not sure why or what part of me they represent. I think an angry one at any rate ;)

I really need to think about this dream some more, since it seems to have important clues that tie in to my health. (I think). Alternate solutions are also very welcome!



memries said:
David.. you have been on my mind a lot and I have been praying for you and your family. I thought it was the weather. Funny I do not even know you but knew something was wrong I suppose. Totally unexplainable. I am very happy you are alright and on line.
Thank you Memries, your concern is touching and most appreciated. Times of transition are always difficult, and now we seem to be crawling down slowly over that alien soil, testing each step - or revolution of the wheel - before we inch ahead. It came to me today that although the Reiki III initiation was not particularly intended to lead into the "Reiki with Medicine Wheel Retreat" that we go on in the second weekend in December, that for Lynn and I they are intended to go together, and that we are in the processing period in between the two. The upcoming weekend will be led by a native elder who is also a Catholic sister who works with our Reiki Master teacher. They will both be working at the weekend. It is a rare privelige indeed to receive authentic teaching on this native spiritual art.


Milfoil & the Snow Leopard

Milfoil said:
Really bizzare dream last night. I had two or three dreams but this is the one I distinctly remember.

The nuts and bolts of it were that before going to sleep I had asked to learn something about myself, my path etc.

I found myself in a large house with lots of rooms. It was similar to a manor I used to visit as a child. I went to bed and I think hubby was beside me. Up onto the bed jumps a BIG cat, the size and shape of a puma or mountain lion but with dark spots and stripes like a Bobcat.


Edited to add: the cat looked much more like this snow lepoard
The snow leopard is an absolutely gorgeous animal! I have seen one in a zoo, and not in the wild of course, but they are supremely majestic, and it is saddening that they endangered. This dream image does seem to relate back to the tiger of your earlier dream, but the snow leopard suggests to me a Himalayan connection - the "top of the world" - a place of high spirituality, particularly of the Crown Chakra. Cats in general are very powerful and coordinated hunters, very often expressive of the dynamic feminine. This is the female warrior and the "wild demon lover".

Milfoil said:
The cat is enormous and heavy, sitting on my chest and stomach so that I could not move. I am pretty frightened by this time. Then the most extraordinary thing happened.
Like Aslan, all cats are inherently "not safe" and they are never tamed. This cat has certainly got your attention! Until it is integrated, its power can be overwhelming.

Milfoil said:
I help the big cat to cut the legs (which still have the bones in) off the skin of another identical cat (either that or I am skinning one-in-the-same cat! ugh - I can't remember) to make into a circular boat like a coracle. The cat uses the legs as supports for the boat. Then when this is done I get out of bed and follow the big cat as he jumps off and trots out of the bedroom. In the next room and hallway I see many young children and I worry about them with the big cat but they are fine with it and it wanders in between them like a pet cat.
The coracle image is fascinating. I would think of the journeys of St. Brendan and company, mystic voyages into the heart of the ocean. But this coracle is made of a wonderfully powerful and majestic form and energy source. Again, the children see no danger in this puissant instinctual energy, they live closer to it and recognize it so there is no fear.

Milfoil said:
There is what looks like shards of glass in the big cats fur but I taste one (yes its a dream alright) and it is sweet like toffee. I say this but one little girl with her back to me (who I know to be a child who lives on our street but who has some serious mental problems and anger management issues) says "yeah, I was sick there before"!!! I know she is not telling the truth but I don't understand why she has said it.

I am confused about some parts of this dream. The skinning of a beautiful big cat to make a boat is odd and has shamanic undertones, perhaps this is another guide I didn't know about before?

The children - could be my eternal child coming to the surface?
Yes, the skinning does indeed seem very Shamanic - the cat gives up its body to be a vessel of your transformation, but yet it still lives on as an exact image. The disturbed child may represent a part of your inner child who acts out due to repression.

Milfoil said:
Its oddly similar in some ways to this earlier dream which I posted here:


It appears your questions before going to sleep were answered in a very powerful and poetic way. The full depth of these answers will take time to be revealed.


Kitchen Dynamics

Hi Kahlie

I do think that your glandular interpretation is likely correct, but taking your invitation for alternate solutions, I will follow up on one. I think it is normal for dreams to be speaking on several levels at once, in any case.

Kahlie said:
I fell asleep during the afternoon (yay!) and had the following dream:

I was the hostess at a party of around 10. They were all on the dinner table. Before that, I had spoken with one of the guests, and he had commented upon the fact that he didn't like certain type of foods including one called "stripes on the wall", and that he had a cooks hat with him. I told him I always wanted to have one of those. (In real life - we never met - but he's a Spiritual person and goes to Fairs as a consultant)
I am actually wondering why this man could not have helped the hostess. The hostess, your dream ego, could use some help. Things don't have to be so formal. This representative of the upper chakras (spiritual consultant) is ready to assist if you will let him. The only thing that came to me about "stripes on the wall" is that Catholic prayer referring to Jesus, "By your stripes I am healed". But if this metaphor does indeed apply to this case then this cook from the upper chakras rejects this notion of being sacrificed. Your desire for the cook's hat seems to relate an inclination towards Crown Chakra work - these hats are usually white, just as the alternate colour for this Chakra instead of violet is white.

Kahlie said:
At the dinner party itself I was mortified to see that I did not have enough food for all the guests. Despite ordering 3 different type of dishes (Chinese Food) for each of the people and making some beans and extra peas as well. I also had made potatoes and rice.
My mother suggested I'd order in some more food, but I was so frantic, that instead I went to look into the fridge. There I saw some meat, called slachiks, it's meat on a stick.

I also noticed that some of my Guests where in the kitchen (Rita&this man), where they did not belong. And Rita had only eaten potatoes and rice.
The nurture you have provided for your inner selves is not enough to sustain them. There is really nothing wrong with them coming to the kitchen and helping, or sitting down to eat at a table that might be there. But there also seems to be some misdirection going on. Some entities such as Rita are apparently not satisfied with the type of food being served, remaining hungry even if food remains for them. Heck, let them fix their own meals!

Which reminds me of a pivotal dream I had about two years ago. Without going into all the details again, Eirian and Inu were hosting an East Indian wedding feast for the marriage of the dream ego (David in this case) with Eirian. To translate these archetypal representatives, this indicates that Creative Expression (Venus or Empress) and Analytical Communication (Mercury or Magician) were guiding and providing the course of nurture for the rest of the Self. Sophie and I were guests at this table (the two prime centres of egoic consciousness), as well as the representatives of various spiritual nurtures, such as Virginia Woolf, Joseph Campbell, Jesus, and Lao Tsu. I took this dream to heart, and as much as the ego could be convinced into allowing, I let the inner forces of creative analysis lead me, finding a fruitful path over the next two years, one with particular emphasis on the East Indian traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism. What I am suggesting is that the ego, dream ego or otherwise, is not the most suitable entity to be directing your spiritual nurture.

Deep Blessings - David

PS. I think this last paragraph needs a little further explanation. I did not analyse the dream and say, "OK, I need to go study East Indian religion. Lets read some Hindu scripture and learn Sanskrit". This would have been the ego taking control again. I never really came up with the East Indian path as a firm and fully conscious conclusion - if I had done so I would likely have mislead myself. For the more appropriate path was not to study Hindu scripture directly, or to learn Sanskrit, but to work through Anodea Judith's definitive work on the Chakras - Eastern Body, Western Mind - to take intensive training in Reiki, to learn Centering Meditation, and to participate in Deva Premal's Sanskrit chant - just barely knowing what the words meant! None of these were preplanned, but the result of attempting to listen daily to inner guidance, through dreams, intuitive insights, and the way that things just seem to fall into place within the "outer" world, one step at a time.

Perhaps recounting this seems in itself egoic, but in truth it was the ego that got in the way and slowed things down, and he make take responsibility for the progress only in so far as he shutup and fell in step.