Spiritual Tarot


I keep finding myself drawn to this book. Anyone out there have it and find it useful?


If you're referring to the book by Echols, Mueller and Thomson, I have that one! It's pretty good, depending on what you're looking for. I've kind of been using it for meditation purposes.

The biggest chunk of the book consists of descriptions of each card, small illustrations from three different decks (RWS, Morgan-Greer and Aquarian), discussion of the sybolism present in each card/deck and some thoughts on meditations.

Briefly, yesterday I was studying the 8 of Cups:

(each section starts off with few paragraphs written from the perspective of the card!)
I know it's time for me to make a move. I have been fortunate thus far. I would not change anything of the past, but I feel a need to leave behind conventional things and try something new... there's more, but I won't type it all.

then the key phrase: taking time for me

descriptions of the cards, etc.

analysis of symbolism and meanings, etc.

"shadow side" of card includes: failing to allow time to study and introspection; emotional withdrawal; etc. etc.

•become aware of what it is you want ot leave or to avoid
•consider how your past attitudes and action have brought you to your present situation. can you allow yourself the soul-searching necessary to make new plans?
•identify any regrets or feelings of loss you may have and consider how you can live your life differently from this point on.
•look for ways to incorporate spiritual exercise into your daily life...

anyway, hope that helps! if you have more questions, ask away!



Yes, that's the one. Thanks for typing that all out for me! Have you found the book useful overall in helping you integrate your interpretations? I'm looking for books that can add to my overall interpretive skills rather than the occasional reference for card meanings. Thanks again:).


EminemsAngelBaby said:

Yes, that's the one. Thanks for typing that all out for me! Have you found the book useful overall in helping you integrate your interpretations? I'm looking for books that can add to my overall interpretive skills rather than the occasional reference for card meanings. Thanks again:).

well, I've been using several sources at once, so I couldn't say for sure, but I don't really use it for reference. More to read up on my card of the day and have a better understanding of it. And, I think if you wanted something to help with meditation on a particular card it would be good.


I have this book and use it quite a lot. I do think it helps integrate your interpretations because it is quite clear and cuts to the chase. Its very good if you have any of the decks that it uses too because it discusses the symbolism on them.

J :)


I PM'ed Emily about this book the other day.
It's great for study with the Morgan Greer deck.
One of the few books that talks about that decks symbolism.


Hi everyone,

I think the best thing about this book is it really does make you look deeper into the symbolism of the cards - first off you have the quote at the beginning of the interpretation, not just a couple of lines but up to 11+ lines, then you have a key phrase which usually sums up the card e.g. 8 Pentacles - dedication to service, Temperance - the higher self in action - all this is before the book actually touches on what in on the cards. lol - Cabbala, colours, shadow work, a chapter on what the tarot offers - really this book is a mine of information.

This book has been invaluable in my on-going study of the Morgan Greer and I would highly recommend it. :)


Hey Everyone,
The book is really sounding good to me now. I know there's a reason I'm continually drawn to it. Sounds like a nice addition to my tarot study. Thanks everyone for all your thoughts:)


Spiritual Tarot: Seventy-Eight Paths to Personal Development by Echols et al

I am Loving this book! So many fresh and exciting insights!

My latest jaw-dropper is the 10 of Swords, where the authors note that the hand in the Rider-Waite is in the shape of a mudra, showing intelligent response to problems, and the swords are aligned along the spine, showing opening to spirit.

And for the 6 Cups in Rider-Waite, the authors explain the 'dwarf' connection to the large X on the post.

To update my tarot journal with all the wonderful insights, I've got my work cut out for me!