Spread For Dealing With Grief / Loss Of A Pet


Spread For Dealing With Grief / Loss Of A Pet

This is not my spread. I am using “The Good Grief Spread” by Christine Jette from her book, Tarot and the Healing Heart, and centering it around giving up a pet.

"Sometimes life slams a person down hard and it is difficult to get up or see clearly" (as a wrestling enthusiast once said to me). Some of the resultant feelings are grief and loss. Christine Jette's spread (and book) is perfect for helping you work through these feelings.
It is important to do this reading with your own cards and by your self while alone with your thoughts. Write down what each card is telling you and save it for later to pull out and work through again if you have to.


1 – How has losing your pet affected you? (Different people feel different things such as guilt, denial, anger, depression or acceptance when dealing with a loss.)
2 – How can you express your grief / loss? This is the solution to your symptoms from card 1.
3 – What is the true nature of your feelings surrounding the loss of your pet? These will be the facts that you know to be true such as having to give away the pet; the pet may have been involved in an accident; or the pet may have had to be put down due to illness.
4 – What does the loss of your pet mean to you? (This card will help you understand how the loss is affecting you psychologically / mentally.)
5 – How can you accept the loss of your pet and enter the healing cycle? This card will help you change the way you think to facilitate the healing process.
6 – How has the loss of your pet made you feel physically? This card will help you look for health related issues that have resulted from the grief / loss.
7 – What actions do you need to take to get your life back and stop feeling sad about your loss?
8 – Where can you look for healing support? This card will hint at people and places that will help you heal.
9 – What do you need to do to move on with your life despite your loss? This card will point to actions that you need to take to move on with your life.

Blessed be,
Lady Marian

p.s. I have to put this disclaimer due to the nature of the above post. Dealing with grief / loss is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly. There are many visitors to this forum and any number of persons could be experiencing some very strong emotions involving loss (myself included as I lost a friend yesterday.)

Legal Disclaimer: Readings are for entertainment purposes only.* You are responsible for the manner in which you interpret and/or act on the information provided in your reading.* My services do not constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice and they should not be considered as a substitute for any professional help.* If you need legal, medical, financial or other advice, please seek a licensed professional.

Keep in mind that a tarot reading is for guidance in a situation and we all have free will to make choices in our life.* What you do with the information contained within your reading I cannot and will not be held responsible for in any way.


Thank you for sharing. I had Tarot for the Healing Heart, out of the library a couple of years ago, but didn't get that far into it before it had to go back. I know of a couple of things I can apply this to: the loss of a pet, earlier this year, and grieving of a different kind.