Stressed Friendship Spread



Although I've been on Aeclectic Tarot for quite a while, I only just made my account, and this is my first post. Recently I came up with this spread, as I've been having some confusion in my friendships recently. This spread doesn't go into too much detail, but it's helped me a lot and I thought that I'd share it!

1 2 9 3 4
5 6 10 7 8

1. Your past experience in the relationship
2. Your present experience in the relationship
3. Their past experience in the relationship
4. Their present experience in the relationship
5. Your feelings about the relationship
6. Your hopes/goals for the relationship
7. Their feelings about the relationship
8. Their hopes/goals for the relationship
9 & 10. What you can do to improve the relationship
11. The outcome if you follow the actions stated in 9/10

I hope everyone finds this spread useful. Let me know how it worked for you!


The HP

I love your spread! I've been using it all morning.

The HP

I am going to open a thread with it soon. I'll keep you posted of the results


Found it very useful. A little emotional. But definitely helps ground my decision :)