Swords aligned with water?


I recently got the Crystal Tarots, published by Lo Scarabeo. They like to do different things with their decks; in this one, they aligned the Swords with water, and the Cups with air.

Swords are usually aligned with air. I have seen a few other decks where the swords were aligned with fire, but this is the only one I know of where they are aligned with water.

Has anyone else seen another deck like this?


I've seen it before on the El Gran Tarot Esoterico and Tarot Balbi. This arrangement seems to be traced back to the Eudes Picard Tarot. From the few scans I could find of the Crystal Tarots minors they appear to be inspired by the Eudes Picard. These minors also appear in another deck recently published by Lo scarabeo, the Universal Wirth.


Thanks for the information. That was a really good article that you cited.

All Is One

Karenquilter: You have just gotten me so interested in this deck.

I am usually pretty stuck up and snooty on correspondences...

But Swords and water...Cups and air.

As a Scorpio with a Gemini rising, who...wel...never mind which suits I love the most.

I am very interested in this deck!!


AIO, Get thee to the de-enabling thread NOW, Cher Toutou. :cool2:

But this alignment takes a bit of learning, yes.

All Is One

Yay for Me and My Newest Deck Purchase ;~)

Oh, greenbean...far too late!!


It is already purchased.

I loved it on sight. (On site...)

I don't know if it was the one we are discussing in this thread...but I knew I had to have this one.

Good try, GB...but when is the last time you saw me on the de-enabling thread??

I want love and support for my collecting, not anything else!


Yes, that's the deck. It's beautiful, like so many of the Lo Scarabeo decks.

All Is One

Always On The Lookout

Karen...I so owe you. I think this might be just the thing I was hoping for. My fav deck is the Merlin...and many many complaints have been heard about liberties taken, difficult spiral Universes, complicated ideas, and just a downright contrary deck...for some.

For me?

The very best, very most interesting deck.

So....at the risk of repeating myself...

Thank you!!!!!