Tarot of Mermaids


I'm intrigued by the Tarot of Mermaids put out by Lo Scarabeo. While I know that mermaids are typically topless, can someone tell me if the nudity is a bit much? My 16 year old daughter likes mermaids but I hesitate to make a purchase until I know more. She is very mature for her age and I know she could handle tasteful nudity. Does anyone have this deck? Thanks.


Yes, that's the one. I did read the reviews before I posted but am wondering how graphic the nudity is. Maybe that's the wrong word to use, but I hope you know what I mean when a 16 year old is involved.


Thank you so much!!

Aura Wolf

I suppose it depends on your perspective. I have the deck...don't use it to read, much, but wouldn't part with it. There's something very interesting about it that makes me hold onto it...some quality or mystery that makes it feel very valuable. Perhaps mermaids have that effect :)

If your daughter loves mermaids, is mature, and you're both comfortable with it, I'd say go for it. She's much more likely to feel connected with the deck if it's presented in a form she enjoys. I personally don't find the nudity "graphic" at all--I think it's tasteful, I mean, they're mermaids. I think we just get caught up in the whole notion of what mythological creatures and fairytales are supposed to be, and what's appropriate for kids, since Disney came along. An overgeneralization, perhaps--but go with your gut, not with what's supposedly "appropriate." :)


I have the Tarot of the Mermaids too - it's a very feminine deck - I think the nudity suits the deck. There are more mermaids than mermen and all the mermaids are (I think) topless.

Maybe you could show your daughter some scans and see what she thinks. :)


Thanks for your opinions. I was able to look at the cards after traveller posted the link and I like them. I think it is appropriate to have mermaids looking as they should. I'll see if she likes it after school.