Tarot on Cell Phones??

Luna Shay Luv

Does anyone know an tarot application for cell phones? I have a samsung behold.. Or whats a good way to put the cards and meanings on my phone?


Do you want to do readings on your phone? If your phone does random slideshows you could just copy cards images to your phone - either scan in a deck you own or there are a few free decks you can download if you look around online.

For the meanings I guess you could make a Word document and copy that to your phone - I'm assuming it supports viewing of doc files?

Or you can look somewhere like www.getjar.com that lists freeware for mobiles. A quick look brought this up - http://www.getjar.com/products/12399/OracleLazy8


I "think" both Kat Black and Cirom have designed phone apps for their newest decks.
Don't shoot me if I'm wrong :)


Kat has - I have the Touchstone on my iPhone, and very nice it is too. I also have Madame Endora's Fortune Cards.

They are fun. They will never replace real cards IMO, but they have their uses.