Ten of Wands as suppressing the urge to call.


Ten of Wands as suppressing the urge to call. I often get the 8 of wands for phone calls and messages- I kept getting the 10 of wands in readings with various interpetations that just didnt fit, I wasnt trying my problems or vice versa - I wasnt over whelming any one emotionally and it finally came to me that this person was suppressing his or her urge to dail that phone when they had not heard from me and vice versa. Anyone else ever see it this way or have any other thoughts? I usually get the call when the 10 of wands shows up reversed.


10 of Wands feeling overwhelmed, yes I would see this as avoiding doing something, such as making a call.


Maybe he has too much responsibilities to worry about that's on his mind?


10 of wands, on it's base level, and individual of all other cards is a "reality check."

9 of wands - I can throw fireballs in my dreams!
10 of wands - grenades are illegal.

Saturn in Sagittarius is this card's atrological house.
The principle of uninhibited will and imagination struggled
to manifest on earth is it's Qabalistic meaning.

Astrologically, Sagittarius is given to the expansive nature of it's ruler, Jupiter. It is ruled by Fortune, in Tarot, and therefore it likes to have a sense of underlying events with no strict sound structure. It studies structure, looking for it to fall apart. Sagittarius rules the House of "I aim", and they are driven by desires of transcendence, which they temper with emotional pursuits. This is the Temperance Card in the Deck.

But in the Aim of Sagittarius, we have the presence of the Restrictive Nature of Saturn. This usually means something pressing keeps them from expressing their will. As This is a Future forward card, it might school, work, or something else which they hope to progress in. But it is an expression of their will, a writer, musician or even a painter, who simply needs to hone their craft or express their soul. The oppression pictured in the card in a neccessary one for the Creative Process. It is one of the great paradoxes of the Artistic Liberty. Saturn is the World, in Tarot. It is just the way it is.

This may be about ANY thing, depending what cards it is read in combination with, and the intent of the card placement.


Thank you all - I'm going to read through the replies again. Lots of new understanding.