THAT Project Spread


The THAT in the title signifies the frustration artists, and other people who are the driving force behind a project, face. A project can be our love, our passion...and yet still be held in contempt. All at the same time. This thread is about dealing with that contempt.

I use the whole deck when doing this spread but it can work with just majors or minors. However I believe that for a better and more complete reading the whole deck should be used.


1: Essence of the project.
2: Advice on completing the project.
3: How to keep focused on the project?
4: What to do once finished the project?
5: The future of the project.

Base Card: The Creator. Take as advice on being the creator or head of the project. For me, advice on being an artist.

Example Reading:

I am working on a script project at the moment, which is why I created this spread in the first place. Here's what the spread revealed to me.

1: Page of Wands Reversed - Confusion and indecisiveness. Project has taken longer than planned. Obstacles and confusion. Lack of confidence in self and project. Enthusiasm.

2: The Chariot - Remember the original motivation and inspiration. Don't be confused on where to go with the project, but continue moving forward using creativity and inspiration.

3: Ten of Cups Reversed - Envision my dream. Don't deny my creativity or imagination. Believe in myself. Don't listen to criticism, only the 'inner' unspoiled voice of the heart should be taken heed of. Be hopeful.

4: King of Cups Reversed - Don't wait for opportunity to rear its head, create it! Be certain, stop thinking in could and should...think in will and in certainty. Accept that it will be hard and that there will be knockbacks, accept them and deal with them. Never return to the world of should and could.

5: Seven of Pentacles Reversed - Self doubts and unsatisfaction experienced because of waiting. Try and try again. Harvest next season!

Base Card: I am too hard on myself as a writer, I need to lighten up and just enjoy my love of writing. I have unrealistic expectations and I over think. I need to understand the first draft is exactly that, a isn't the final article. This card pretty much signifies the problems I face as a writer, but they are a lot easier to manage now than in the past. So this is less of an influence on me now, thank god.

Hope someone finds this spread useful!


Wow! I'm speechless....

I haven't visited this forum in a year due to having been extremely busy with school.

I came by here because I wanted to post about a spread concerning the completion of my thesis which is driving me crazy!

Thank you for this spread young romantic! I will try it tonight and post my results and interpretations!

A bientot,



WOW what a great spread! :D I will certainly try it - I am taking baby-steps at artistic recognition myself as a visual artist & sometime fine crafter (specifically the art of re-painting fashion dolls, not really quite art perhaps but certainly a VERY exacting craft).

So far I've had VERY little appreciation from my work; what I've had has come from quarters wherein the appreciation was nice but didn't get me far, if you understand what I'm saying!! :(

I aim to be really recognized - to be in a major NYC gallery, hopefully within 3 years. (I do oils & they take THAT long!! ;) )

This sounds like exactly what I need. Thanx so much, trez bien! :D


I'm glad you guys like it!

Any questions just ask :)