The Booty Babes


GryffinSong said:
Weeeee ... I'm surfin'!!! :heart: :) :heart:
Now I'm hearing the Beach Boys singing their hearts out.... :D


Using the sweet little spreadcloth that bodhran sent and the pieces from bodhran's Make Your Move Oracle (so named because of the chess pieces, which by the way I have decided is totally brilliant. My kids had to teach me what each piece stands for, what they do.) I did a little reading for myself.

I chose five pieces.

And the center piece is the leaping dolphin charm (see D), then in a long diamond shape the 4 other pieces layout as follows:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Knight xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx ceramic bead/stork xxxx D xxxxxx puffy heart xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pawn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx​

Now the dolphin was a little closer to the pawn than to the knight.

I didn't really ask a question, I sorta did the what do I need to know/do now.

What occurs to me is that the Knight is facing away from the other objects, looking up toward the top of the diamond and beyond.

At his back is the dolphin, leaping toward the stork/crane, or in my mind rebirth and the way the bead fell the stork is looking back at the pawn.

I feel like I'm not a victim in my own story. I've been going through some changes and it looks like I'm ready to own my own joy again. I feel like with the Knight looking away, and from what my kids told me about chess, I'm sort of walking in a more empowered way toward claiming my birthright. Love, joy, my feminine power. Like a new me.

I think of the diamond as a way of refering to my marriage and the Knight as my hubby, but, LOL, everything is about that for me now. I almost feel like I'm making a sneak attack on the Knight...his back is to me and I have the sense that the pawn is looking toward the Knight...the dolphin who I feel is me stands on her tail looking toward the stork/crane.

My path right now has been about surrendering to the forces in my life that I cannot control. My sisters and I have been fighting...dolphin energy seems to me to be saying, let it flow. Laugh, play, dance, sing, don't get caught up.

With the chess pieces, I feel like I don't want to play games with people, mind games that is. I don't and have never liked politics in the workplace, or making moves and positioning type stuff. I never learned chess. I'm lousy at checkers. LOL.

So maybe I'm too much heart? The big puffy heart may be letting me see that I'm too much in heart chakra right now?

Hmmm. Things to puzzle out.


Satori said:
Hmmm. Things to puzzle out.
Just to give you more things to puzzle about: })

Knights never move in a straight line, and they have four different ways they can move - a bit impulsive and NEVER predictable. Sometimes they can be fun and sometimes they can be a pain. Impossible to control.

Have you ever watched a dolphin swim? They can stay under the water (immersed in emotion!) for a while, but eventually they have to come up for air. They are friendly, social and vocal.

The pawn is very limited in its moves. The only time it can move more than one space is the first move it makes. Limits, boundaries, restriction...

The water bird waits with amazing stillness for the water to clear before making a move (catching a fish). It can be very patient.

So did I muddy the water even more? LOL :D


Oh man, I'm so visual I'm really struggling to "see" your reading enough to comment. But I really like bodhran's additional insights. :heart: Any chance of a picture, even if only a lousy cell phone shot?


another supposedly funny commercial: cheese and mouse

This is something that got sent to me today.....I'm not so sure it is seriously funny though.

Warning.....slightly disturbing material.


Satori said:
This is something that got sent to me today.....I'm not so sure it is seriously funny though.

Warning.....slightly disturbing material.
Haha I love mice. Not as easy to train as rats, but cuter. Still easy to train and really amiable ^_^


It is said to be animated....:bugeyed:


Satori said:
It is said to be animated....:bugeyed:

Nice job they did!!! I was pretty freaked out at first. :\