The Lady of the Orchard


I'm a bit annoyed with her right now. I feel like some of the things that were blighted in my life recently were NOT ready to go.

She was my "Universal Message" card the day I got this deck. Her message is about accepting change gracefully, and I feel anything but graceful about having lost both my job AND the house I was going to move into, within a week of each other.

Try as I might, I can't seem to be graceful or accepting about it.

Is there some part of her message that I'm missing?

(It should be noted that my current Universal Messenger is Gawtcha. Maybe these losses made room for him to deposit something unexpected into my life?)


I feel anything but graceful about having lost both my job AND the house I was going to move into, within a week of each other.

Try as I might, I can't seem to be graceful or accepting about it.

That's awful to lose your job and the house! Grace and acceptance will come, but you must allow yourself time to fully experience the frustration and anxiety over the loss before you can move on.

I'm the first to say that everything happens for a reason, but I've also learned to let the low emotions in when appropriate.

Talk to Gawtcha and ask him for "a little mercy, please." Sometimes you have to stand your ground with the faeries.


"Sometimes you have to stand your ground with the faeries."

Yup. You gotta listen to them. And you have to stand your ground with them sometimes. Just like with people.


Sounds like excellent advice... I'll remember it!



I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time, but as others have said in other ways, time is the key here. It's impossible to see the positive in such changes when we're right in the middle of them, but if you can trust in the flow of your life and remain open to opportunity, you'll get to a place where you can see why this has happened and how it helped move you along your path.

In the mean time, my prayers and best thoughts go out to you for as smooth a transition as possible.

I think it was Helen Keller who said something to the effect that the best way around our problems is through them. So don't reject what's happening, but roll up your sleeves and work through it. You can do this!
