The Nerd's Guide to Using Technology with Bibliomancy


Still on the bibliomancy kick, haha. Figured I'd make a smallish guide here for those interested in it on how you can use a simple computer or phone to access books to use in your reading.

Unlike a lot of things I do, this guide is going to be very restrictive. And by restrictive I mean I'm going to keep it legal, which is a big deal for me. I'll provide you with simple downloads and links for you to use for bibliomancy and stichomancy on a smart phone or device, a computer, or an e-reading device. I want to outline all the tech issues regarding ebooks, and how to get some for free, so we'll talk a bit about different programs and file formats.

Free Books
---- Did you know that because of how copyright laws were/are set up any book published before 1923 has no copyright in effect? Because of this there are loads of websites like Amazon, Project Gutenburg, and offer free ebook copies of these classics. Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Mary Shelley and Edgar Allen Poe are just a few authors you may want to read. Below I will put a list of Programs/Apps and File Types so that you know what kind of file you're downloading, and how to read it.

Programs and Apps
Amazon Kindle- Free reading apps for phones, computers, etc.
Calibre- Free library manager and file converter.

EBook File Types
.mobi - File type made by MobileReader, I believe is the company name. Company was brought and is run by Kindle. .mobi files are Kindle only
.epub - Usable by almost any ereader other than Kindle
.doc - Word document, readable by Kindle, not sure on the other ereaders...
.txt - Simple text, pretty much universal due to its simplicity
.pdf - Readable by Adobe reader

----If you have, let's say, a Nook, but you have a pdf you want to read. While I would just suggest using Adobe Reader (pretty much built into all PCs) because conversions can make files display weirdly, what you can do is open the pdf in Calibre, convert the file to an .epub and drag and drop to your ereader.

Reading with your files .pdf excluded
----Due to the nature of ebooks, splitting them into pages doesn't always work. You can adjust the font, so page numbers vary, and no one wants to sit there on their Kindle counting their "clicks" till they get to 138. Because of this ebooks tend to be split into locations. It varies by device but if you have a specific chapter or location you want to go to there's usually a "Go to ______" option. Put in your number, hit your option, and your device should take you right along. Calibre also doubles as an ereader, but the backlight screen on laptops and phones create eye strain, and actually effects your ability to go to sleep. If you have an e-ink device, that is always be your best bet.
----PDF files were excluded from the above paragraph because these files do have set page numbers, and are not split by location.

----I realize this guide may be vague, so I'm putting in a question section, and I'll answer any questions you have and then I'll add the info to the guide.