The planets in the minor arcana?


Hi everyone,

I can pretty much make sense of Crowley's correspondences throughout Thoth, even though I might not catch all the references. However, I am wanting to figure out how he choose the planets to ascribe to each number as he goes through the suits.

I clearly see the pattern for his choice of sun signs i.e. 3 signs for each element ordered cardinal, fixed, and mutable. and I have been able to discern a pattern to his planetary associations to go along with each sign, but it still doesn't make sense to me why he chose that pattern.

Does anyone else see a pattern here?

Lost and looking for more clarity.




You're (as I was) half way there? ;)

The key to this (following DuQuette and others) is to draw the Decans in a CIRCLE then begin adding planets in Chaldean order anticlockwise, starting at Aries = 2 Wands = Mars. Then just keep on repeating: Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter... over and over. Eventually you'll end up (also!) with a final Mars in the Last Decan of Pisces.The usual excuse for this "non-perfect fit" is that Spring needed that extra Martian "kick"? :D



Macavity said:
You're (as I was) half way there? ;)

The key to this (following DuQuette and others) is to draw the Decans in a CIRCLE then begin adding planets in Chaldean order anticlockwise, starting at Aries = 2 Wands = Mars. Then just keep on repeating: Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter... over and over. Eventually you'll end up (also!) with a final Mars in the Last Decan of Pisces.The usual excuse for this "non-perfect fit" is that Spring needed that extra Martian "kick"? :D


And you may notice that the first decan of Aries=Mars=Tuesday, the first decan of Taurus=Mercury=Wednesday; the first decan of Gemini=Jupiter=Thursday; the first decan of Cancer=Venus=Friday; and so on and so forth [which is all related to the septagram and the chaldean order of course, and the atomic weight of metals].



Yes, yes, of course.

Thanks so much Kwaw! It flows together quite elegantly. It was on the septagram that I began to see the clues to the pattern. I see the days of the week flow but I have not yet looked at the atomic weights of the metals. Fascinating. I will see if I can fit that piece in.

I am guessing you are refering to the metals traditionally associated with the planets?

I'm curious to see how this relates to their weights.

Thanks for the light!



Thanks Macavity,

Your initial suggestion was really helpful to see me the flow of planets cycling through the decans.

Are other tarotists using something other than this chaldean order to the minors?

