The Process 2.5 (interlude)


Developing rapport during a first sitting is crucial…nothing is as important as developing rapport.

I do many little things that I will eventually share. I do not use them all in any given reading; perhaps one or two. It’s not a matter of, “Okay I did step 1, now I have to go to step 2 and then step 3…” It is more important to know that you have tools to use, and have a concept of when to use them.

The exception is, I always want know a sitters year cycle. However, once I ask a sitter, I rarely ask again – it is something I should remember, and keep in my notes. Knowing where a person is in their life, year cycle is crucial to a reading.

Should I forget, I can ask again. Knowing a person is in a six cycle tells me they came out of a five and are moving into a seven. It gives me an idea, a feel…for their life.

I do not tell them about their life cycles, it confuses what they should be reflecting upon. It’s the old adage of, “too much information…”

Sometimes I deal the cards and there is nothing…a blankness…the memorized card meanings are gone…I may as well be staring at a blank table-top. We will be discussing this later.

Sometimes I deal the cards and bingo bango boombo! Nothin’ fancy – nothin’ real impressive – but there is content, like wild horses waiting to be let out of the gate. Just a good solid read.

Sometimes pictures, voices, and aromas go off…mental cacophony.

Sometimes there are combinations; where you have a solid read blankness on one or two cards, and/or ‘flashes’.

No two readings have ever been alike. Therefore, I cannot plan ahead. I simply attempt to keep control by maintaining rapport, and provide the client with content filled ideas.

But here is the vital point – Context – a reading should have context. Remember, this ain’t about me. It’s about them.

A common ethical question is, if it is acceptable to do a reading upon a person who is not present and without their knowledge. It is usually viewed as wrong – but then folks will go right ahead and do a reading of a movie star or famous person (justifying that it is okay)…

It is rash for anybody to run up to another and say, “Hey, I had a vision! You need to get your prostate checked!” However, it is something that tragically, many “new” readers and psychics do.

When I see something, a medical, a vital family or personal issue, how I handle it, is of more importance than the knowledge itself. I do not say, “You have uterine issues!” Instead, we need to use our developed rapport as the key in our conversation to allow others to make the discovery that possibilities exist.

Remember – this is not about you.

I was amused, that everybody wanted to know about the fourth card.

I had been reading for Kerri for eight months. She was smack in the middle of a four year. I had a flash of a newly purchased house. That’s what I spoke of…I knew that buying a new house/condo was the ‘purpose’…

Did I know that the third card absolutely was a four of wands?

Nope…and it was not important.

Did it blow me out of the water?


The Process will be taking a short break, until the next year is upon us.

Nothing is stated as a recommendation or a suggestion, but merely observation accrued over time. Opinions and results may vary.


Excellent post

I revel in story telling, and find it so instructive as well. Many of the things you've said I instantly connected to with a "me too!" connection. I love that! Keep telling!

And, I FEAR those moments when I lay down the cards and there's ... nothing. But, they happen. So I'll be looking forward to more on that.

Alissa, the excellent listener


Re: Excellent post

Alissa said:
...I FEAR those moments when I lay down the cards and there's ... nothing. But...
I celebrate those moments – they are truly pregnant – experience takes us past the fear, and acceptance of the fear takes us through the experience…We’ll chat about them soon.

Reminder: Have a Kool Yule, this column will return next year.


Umbrae said:
The exception is, I always want know a sitters year cycle. However, once I ask a sitter, I rarely ask again – it is something I should remember, and keep in my notes. Knowing where a person is in their life, year cycle is crucial to a reading.[/i]

Great post, as usual... :D However, and I hope I don't sound too dense, but what is a person's "year cycle"? Awaiting your reply later... ;) Hope you have a great holiday!


Y'know, methinks we have a whole new school-of-thought here to reading the cards... Shall we call it 'Umbrae-ism'? 'Processism?'

Hmmm... Umbrae, I have, as with the previous posts on The Process, found this one to be extremely informaive, and I only wish I was one of your clients!



well deserved bump pt. 4

Owl Song

Umbrae, I stayed up an hour past my bedtime to read your wonderful words. The quill is calling; you truly should write a book.