The Rooster Card


I was wondering if anyone here has heard of a deck with a card called The Rooster?

:) :) :)


No, but I am interested!

(I am trying to think which card could be associated with a Rooster... :THIER? :TEMPR? Hmmm....)


Cool graphics, Kayne!

-- Lee


any chance it might be the druid animal oracle deck? i can check it out tomorrow if you think there's a possibility.


I sometimes listen to Sharina's psychic encounters (2UE listeners will know who she is) and she mentioned a card called The Rooster...truthsayer i dont think it would be the deck you mentioned as it only has 33 cards..this sounds like a full 78 card deck to me...

thanks for the help so far everyone :)

P.S. Sharina the Psychic is kind of like an Australian Miss Cleo :p


haven't heard of a rooster card, but let me know if you find one! especially if it also contains any egyption symbolism. i had a weird, ancient egypt, dream with a rooster in it......


diana i'll see if i can find her email address...i dont know if she will feel like divulging her tarot secrets to me though but i'll give it a go :p :)