The Star Beast Spread


The Star Beast Spread
by Jace Repshire

This is the first spread I've created in 4 years. It is my third original spread.

I created this one for a tarot reading service I am offering online under the alias Star Beast. I wanted to have a signature spread that can be used to answer any question, much like the Celtic Cross or Horseshoe, but also one that is original, so that my clients can get a unique reading from me that they wouldn't get somewhere else.

I encourage you to try this spread for personal use, but I would like to ask that this spread not be used during any paid readings. I do not charge for my readings, and if you would like to use this spread for a client, I respectfully ask that you do so in a spirit of charity.

Also, if you would like to share it with others or post it elsewhere, please acknowledge me as its designer, and please don't alter it. I ask this because of the specific nature for which I created it.

Here is the spread:

The layout has two separate bodies: a pentagon on the left and a cross to the right. The twelfth card floats freely near you in the center


1. The Heart of the Matter
2. The Past – Fading influences
3. The Present – Where you are now
4. The Future – Rising influences
5. The Natural World – What is natural about this situation, relationship with nature and environment
6. The Manmade World – What is artificial about this situation, relationship with society and others
7. The View – How you view the situation, your conscious perceptions
8. The Storm Ahead – A potential hindrance to look out for, what must be endured
9. The Shelter Nearby – A companion, support, or resource you can rely on for help
10. The Beast Within – What dwells in your subconscious
11. The Star Above – How the universe is trying to guide you
12. Magic – What empowers you, how you can conform the situation to your will

Tip: Look for a connection between cards 3 and 7. These two will often directly relate to one another.

I encourage any feedback you have on this spread. I've recently tried it out for myself and a friend, and it was very insightful for me. I can already tell this one is going to become a staple in my readings and a definite keeper.

Madame Squee

Hi Jace,

Thank you for sharing the spread.

I tried it tonight and was struck by the direct connection between the cards I received in "3. The Present – Where you are now" and "7. The View – How you view the situation". It was an eye-opener! :D

Thanks again.


t. red queen


Oh, hey, Red Queen! Nice to see you on here! Thanks for showing my thread a little love. I'm glad this spread worked out for you. I've only used it a few times now, but it has been pretty insightful for me every time. I think it's going to be a keeper for me. It's a little longer than I like for a spread I use regularly, but I tend to rely on the Celtic Cross and Horseshoe a lot too, and they're both shorter, so I'll mix it up. It's good to have an arsenal of spreads to choose from to tackle each problem the right way.

I like the observation you've made in your reading. I'm going to take a note of that 3-7 connection. With those two cards being at the heart of their respective sections of the spread, I can easily see there being an invisible thread between them. I will look for relations between those in the readings I've done and in the future! Thank you for your insight.

(I posted another comment for you below. Check it out!)


Thanks for sharing this, Jace.

I particularly like the dualism of natural/manmade ... I think that will add a fascinating extra layer.


Aulruna said:
I particularly like the dualism of natural/manmade ... I think that will add a fascinating extra layer.

Thank you Aulruna. I wanted this spread to be your typical all-encompassing, easy to read spread, somewhat like the celtic cross, but I also wanted it to have its own unique elements. The natural/manmade one is a concept I haven't seen in any other spreads so it is really for me the biggest distinguishing factor that sets this spread apart from others like it.

This was a tricky one to design. I basically wrote out a long list of keywords for what the card positions could mean, then narrowed it down until I had the ones I needed. Figured out the layout after that. I feel it worked out well.

Thanks so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it.


The Red Queen said:
I tried it tonight and was struck by the direct connection between the cards I received in "3. The Present – Where you are now" and "7. The View – How you view the situation".

I had to go back and edit the original post to include this tip. This really is a wonderful observation. Looking back at the summaries I wrote for the two readings I've done with this so far, there was definitely a direct connection between those two cards, and I could see this happening often with this spread. Thanks!


I'm going to give this a little bump. I slightly changed the meanings of cards 7, 10, and 12 to what I feel will be more well-rounded and effective for the spread.

Particularly I was really missing that conscious/subconscious duality I am used to in the Celtic Cross spread. It has always been so useful to me. I didn't want my spread to be without it.